View Full Version : Relapse

19-03-15, 15:39
Hey guys,

Have been doing so well of late and now it has reared it's ugly head again. :weep:
Anyway, came off the pill bec I thought it was due to that that I was putting on weight. Since I got married just under three years ago, I've put on about 15 kilos but having said that, I've had to deal with the stress and anxiety of tragically losing my husband. Will stress out weight on around my belly area?

The whole scenario of exercising scares me bec I then get palpitations. These freak me out and I get scared so therefore stop exercising. I just feel I am getting bigger by the day and can't do anything. I don't eat or drink any abnormal amount and a friend has suggested I get tested for intolerances. I am concerned if I get tested for something, they will find something else, something growing in me. My exercise isn't great I have to admit and I spend about three hours a day in the car driving. The past two weeks I have been making a conscious effort, 10,000 steps a day, eating well etc and it has made no difference at all.

I get aches and pains all the time, am permanently tired, feel like I'm not really here. Im so scared of developing some form of cancer or diabetes and recently the fear if just dropping dead keeps coming into my head. I just want to lose weight, be happy and move on after my tragedy. I'm only 36.
Anyone help??

Forgot to say, have bowel issues too. One day my poo will be normal, next day it's diahorrea. Sometimes have undigested food. Also concerns me because of the weight issue too.

02-04-15, 21:49
This sounds very similar to what I'm experiencing at the minute. I am also glad to have found this post so that I can offer my sincere sympathy for your tragic loss. Not sure where I'd be without my girlfriend. I had a bad experience with ecstacy and haven't touched them since, it's been almost 2 months since. I've had countless ecg's, blood tests and a x ray of my heart- all perfect. I'm 20 years old and since the incident have lost a lot of weight, weight i'd like to gain but am too afraid to gain as lifting weights on my chest scares the hell out of me. I often get light headed and become scared of just dropping are you the same? Perhaps we should seek out a physio to coax us through a workout and re-assure us with facts and figures of our heart rate whilst we work out? You are not alone.