View Full Version : My name is Scott...

20-03-15, 04:13
and I suffer from health anxiety, in regards to my heart and my palpitations. I read over the palpitations sub forum, and already feel like I belong. The encouragement and help here is fantastic.

20-03-15, 04:20
Hiya emtlynn15 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

William gundry
20-03-15, 14:48
Hi my name is bill and I have had OCD for a long time, the trigger being HIV exposure. I am on Truvada, and am compliant, but I had an episode yesterday, and the trigger brought up afresh, years of like experiences without Truvada prep, if any one knows what that is. Now I am having similar panic and recurrent thought , I emailed my nurse practitioner where I got the Truvada and she replied there is a risk, in spite of the Trufada. She says it's too soon to get tested, so I will have to wait until a consult.
I used to be on meds before this incident on prior occasions, but had it pretty well stabilized up until this lates breakout.

maybe I will have to go on meds again I think it was Zoloft. We are going to travel this summer, and I am worried my wife will notice my internal worry, which I try to keep hidden from her for various reasons.

I have existential dread, which ultimately is at the bottoms of it, tremendous reoccurring fear of death that's driving this whole fear train And maybe this is a good time to deal with the fear of infection-death, due to aids. can someone comment? I am new, so I do not know whether my situation is too tough to handle for those on board here. Thanks

And another thing,many would the nurse practitioner tell me I have a risk where information I gathered all seem to indicate that Truvada compliant people are pretty near 100 % protected against him infection?