View Full Version : Ache in lower back left bum

20-03-15, 10:04
I've had a pain like ache in my lower back on the left side astho it's in my top bum for two weeks now it seems better when I sit or lay down but I can't seem to shift it ive been using muscle rub and heat packs and nothing seems to be working .im getting a little worried it's somethign serous anyone had experience with this x

20-03-15, 11:34
Yes mine was sciatica, lasted months unfortunately but painkillers helped. The pain seemed to go into my bum cheek & then later when it was really bad it went into my leg too. Hope yours goes quickly

20-03-15, 14:05
This is muscle related, for sure. The fact that it's better when you're in certain positions confirms this, if it was anything sinister you'd feel it all the time, no matter what position you're in.

Could be siatica, although this can be often a sharp pain. It sounds like it could be a strained glute muscle. But yeah, it's a muscle.

20-03-15, 16:03
I actually went to the walk in centre with a similar thing just over a year ago and was also told sciatica. My pain was through my bum, right down my leg and into my foot. After about 2-3 weeks it went, then returned about 6 months later. Then it went again and hasn't returned since!
It felt like I constantly wanted to stretch my leg.

20-03-15, 21:50
Thanks for your replys guys it's just an annoying ache feeling when I press the area it's coming from it feels tender like bruised so I'm hoping it's muscle related it's just getting me down now it's been nearly two weeks :( x

22-03-15, 08:33
Still got it but not so bad :( think I better go docs :( x

22-03-15, 22:06
All in my lower back :( so worried

23-03-15, 02:24
Probably how you've been sitting.

23-03-15, 13:44
I don't think it should lady two weeks tho :(

23-03-15, 13:58
hi, becky! try not to let this pain get you down with worry. i deal with a similar issue on a regular basis. about two years ago, a friend suggested i see a chiropractor for help. i took her advice and boy, am i glad i did. after checking me out thoroughly, the chiropractic doc showed me several stretching exercises i could do to relieve the pain. within a few days, i was feeling so much better and when the pain in my lower back and hip starts flaring up, i do my stretching exercises to keep the pain away. hope you get some relief soon! :hugs:

23-03-15, 14:48
Thanks Hun for that advice what stretches were they if u don't mind me asking x

23-03-15, 15:22
you are very welcome!:) there are three stretches that help me the most. for two of them, i lie on my bed or other comfortable surface that is not too hard or soft. 1.) while on my back i lift one leg, bend it at the knee and gently roll it to the opposite side of my body until my knee touches the bed on the opposite side. i try to keep my upper body and arms flat on the bed. i remain in this position and feel the stretch. then, i return to my original position and repeat with the other leg. 2.) while on my back, i lift one leg up and my hubby or one of our children gently pushes it toward my head as far as it will go. remain in that position and feel the stretch, then repeat with the other leg. 3.) for this stretch, i stand and bend at the waist and grab my ankles(or) kneel and stretch my hands out before me and place my palms on the floor and i round out my lower back as though i am pushing it toward the ceiling. (it is hard to describe this one, but you know you are doing it correctly when you can feel your lower back stretching and it is a wonderful feeling!) remain in this position as long as you want to feel the stretch. repeat as many times as you'd like. i hope this helps and i'll bet you can probably go on you tube and see demonstrations of exercises for lower back and hip. let me know how things go. blessings!

25-03-15, 00:03
Thanks Hun I'll def try theses x

25-03-15, 18:21

28-03-15, 07:53
I still have this pain in right buttock :( think I better go docs it's been three weeks it don't make a diff weather im sat down or not