View Full Version : Would welcome any advice plz!

20-03-15, 11:45
I've suffered anxiety for a long time but think it may have just come to a head this morning. One of my main anxieties is driving and for the last 8 months Theres been houses being built opposite me which seems to have compounded it with issues getting on and off my drive! I can't sleep the night before work constantly pace in the morning on the loo at least 3 times with palpitations! Then constant worry all day at work to what I'm coming home to! I've just had a week off work on holiday and 3 days ago started getting agitated to return today! This morning did not go well seen the kids off to school then I just couldn't stop shaking with the dread of it, it was uncontrollable then I couldn't breathe and just had this feeling of impending danger and I couldn't breathe properly! i didn't go to work and have sat here having palpitations and crying ever since. Ive tried to get in at the doctors but there's no appointments! Does anyone know how they can help me? Thank you for listening.

23-03-15, 08:32
Unfortunately I have no helpful advice at all, I do however understand how you are feeling.
To fear driving and the stress that comes with that would be terrible for you.
I do hope that you have by now had an appointment with your doctor and feel somewhat better.
I wish you well Pumpkin52