View Full Version : Spongy feeling while walking. Terribly scared

20-03-15, 14:57
Someone please please help me.
I have been stressed and depressed for quit sometime now. These days I am having dizziness but mostly its not spinning. Its as if I walk on a sponge. This does not happen always. I go on morning walks and I am perfectly normal. But after walk I sit and get up and I have this. Then again when I carry some object like a bag or something this flares up. Like today I was fine most of the day. When I picked up a bag and began walking I had this. The other day I went to pick up nephews from school and was just carrying my handbag and I started to feel as if I was walking on sponge.
I went to a GP and a Orthopedic. They did not run any test but at the same time ruled out any problems.

Has anyone experience this.
Is this some problem with my brain. I googled and found something called vestibular proprioceptive problems and B13 deificiency.
I am freaking out. I don't know what it is. I don't know if I should go to a NT or a ortho or a neuro.
Someone please help me.

---------- Post added at 14:57 ---------- Previous post was at 14:44 ----------

Somebody please help :(

20-03-15, 16:07
I have had this when I had bad anxiety and depression I seem to get a lot of weird symtoms that are not as common to be honest so glad I found this as they is not many people that understand me when I ask �� never mentioned it to a doctor but all my crazy symtoms im sure he would tell me I'm a alien haha xx

20-03-15, 16:15
Thanks Stars22,
Helps to know I am not alone.
Do you still have this symptom or did it go away eventually?
Did you do anything to get rid of it?

20-03-15, 17:10
I have had this too. Thought it was anxiety related, which it could well have been, but also found out after some pain walking that I had fallen arches (thanks to 2 pregnancies) and went to physio. After a few weeks of exercises it all improved and I have not noticed it since.

20-03-15, 17:17
Thanks a ton. I don't have flat foot if that is what you mean by fallen arches. No pain either. Just a bouncy feeling while walking like walking on sponge. DId you also feel light headed while experiencing this.
all this last only for couple of minutes though.

20-03-15, 18:02
Could this not simply be due to anxiety? I only ask as when I first was prescribed Propranolol, I read the side effects and scared myself as I usually do. Then coming home from the.school my legs felt really really funny. I can't explain it but I was so scared I actually rang the Doctors to see if it was the meds and they said it is anxiety and to continue with the meds. Needless to say.once I stopped worrying about it it went away. If it doesn't go away don't worry, I still get a strange pain in my arm that I was told is anxiety and even though I no longer worry, I still get it. It's just our.body's overreacting.

20-03-15, 21:43
It sounds a lot like anxiety to me.

21-03-15, 02:18
Thanks keekee and hissymoose. But will anxiety create a symptom. Its all I am all happy meeting people talking and suddenly I get this spongy bouncy feeling. In fact this is what makes me more anxious. I get scared when this feeling comes.

21-03-15, 16:14
Forgot to mention that I also feel my body rocking while i am working on comp or sometimes in general. Like I am on a boat :(
Has anyone ever faced this?
I know I am obsessing too much but I am so scared and worried.

21-03-15, 21:39
Yes yes and yes....
Please read my other posts... Always get the feeling on walking on sponges, when I'm sat down I feel like I'm on a boat....
I also get weird zaps and feel like I'm falling...
I'm believe all mine is anxiety after all my tests came back clear

22-03-15, 08:31
Just went to ENT and he said ears look fine. Orthopedic said all is good in terms of cervical spondylysis too. But I do feel a bit dizzy today but worst of all is the depression associated with this. I feel so sad and SCARED right now about this whole feeling..feel like crying

22-03-15, 18:02
Now a bit of pressure in ears :(
Please help people

23-03-15, 06:59
Got my eye tests done. All fine from that also.
Ortho to check if its related to cervical spine - No Problem
ENT - No Problem
Eye Specialist - No problem

OMG, this is so overwhelming. In 2009 I had a similar problem and when I went to a neuro she brushed me off saying its nothing at all. I dont want to again go and spend money just to hear that.

Folks, have you all had this too? This overwhelming fear. Constantly thinking about why dizzy, why imbalance, why spongy walk, why this feeling of sitting on boat. What did you all do to overcome it?

23-03-15, 12:02
Got my eye tests done. All fine from that also.
Ortho to check if its related to cervical spine - No Problem
ENT - No Problem
Eye Specialist - No problem

OMG, this is so overwhelming. In 2009 I had a similar problem and when I went to a neuro she brushed me off saying its nothing at all. I dont want to again go and spend money just to hear that.

Folks, have you all had this too? This overwhelming fear. Constantly thinking about why dizzy, why imbalance, why spongy walk, why this feeling of sitting on boat. What did you all do to overcome it?

Hi Sia,

Sorry you're going through a rough patch. I haven't experienced what you're going through but I've read so many similar threads on the boards. And like those other threads, the poster gets checked out and all is well physically. The symptoms you speak of and the fact they come and go, are indicative of what anxiety can do to you.

Those that have overcome it have sought help in the form of therapy, CBT, meds or a combination thereof. Sure, they may still get an occasional blip but they have the tools and skills to use them to help them cope and quell the irrational fear.

Positive thoughts

23-03-15, 15:44
I had Labirynthitus (!) once with the same symptoms, which was JUST an inner ear infection (viral) that passed in a few weeks. That said my anxiety symptoms are EXACTLY the same.


24-03-15, 01:54
Finally all tests are done and looks like its anxiety only. Except for the vit d3 deficiency.
Now my question is

Why does anxiety cause dizziness??
How do we cope with dizziness?

Regarding anxiety I am much better now. Yesterday my right hand was starting to feel weak but I brushed it off saying it's anxiety and it became completely fine like thought.

How long does this dizziness usually take to go away?
I am also flying to another country for work.

24-03-15, 11:06
One thing I noted is after I stopped reacting and using STOP technique the walking on spongy feeling is reduced a lot.
Only thing remaining is dizziness. Fingers crossed for that

24-03-15, 15:01
One thing I noted is after I stopped reacting and using STOP technique the walking on spongy feeling is reduced a lot.
Only thing remaining is dizziness. Fingers crossed for that

Proof that it's anxiety ;) Treat the real illness and you treat the symptoms.

Positive thoughts

24-03-15, 16:02
Treat how? Apart from meds do you have any suggestion. Any self help books you suggest?

24-03-15, 16:11
Sia, I would start by reading the sections on this board about anxiety symptoms (on the left of this page and from the home page). This will give you an idea about where to start treating your illness...which is "anxiety". Your dizziness is due to you hyperventilating and shallow breathing...... have a look at "mindfulness" it will help you focus, there is no quick fix.


01-04-15, 20:10
Sarah did you labyrinths get cleared by itself or you took meds?> and was there any test to find out?
my ent just checked the ear and said it looks fine.
but its weird because my right ears feel full and i still have an imbalance when i am walking. like i am tilting towards right side.

---------- Post added at 19:10 ---------- Previous post was at 19:09 ----------

~all - when you mention dizziness as an anxiety sypmtom is it sinning sensation or the imbalance feeling while walking?

02-04-15, 03:59
Yes! I had this a few times now. The first time it happened to me was after a trip to Disney and riding on Dumbo. For a week after I felt like I was walking on a spone or a bouncy house, I felt a lot of pressure in my head/ears. It subsided after about a week. The next time I had it was after a airplane trip to visit family. I ended up having a sinus infection and it took about 3 weeks to clear up. The most recent was after a camping trip, again sinus infection was the cause and it subsided after about 2 weeks of antibiotics and steroids. I think it was partially due to sinus infections and anxiety/stress.

02-04-15, 17:54
Leslie - Did you go to a GP or an ENT?

06-10-15, 11:30
Hi All

After many months I am back again. At my worst point I had severe dizziness but it did go away eventually. I was almost dizzy free for all these months. Ofcourse something else cropped for sometime but there was NO dizziness.
A strange thing that I noticed now however is that I get the funny off balanced feeling when I walk barefoot. I normally walk with slippers on even within the house. But sometimes if I have to walk barefoot I feel like I am walking on sponge?
Anyone experienced this?