View Full Version : migraines: should i be worried?

20-03-15, 15:18
Ok I've had migraines for well since i was about 17 I think. I can't say for sure but i think around that.

I even remember having some as a child though, which is the weird thing. I don't remember getting them too much as a young child but I remember I did and I'd have to lie down etc, then i remember getting a very bad headache (it might have been more than one) around age 11 where I couln't do anything and it was a terrible migraine.lasted around 2 days which to me normal for a migraine it can still linger for some of the next day and it generally stays for a whole day.

They didn't become more frequent till I got to about 17 and my eyesight was also deteriorating and i didnt have glasses but i dunno if this is linked.

The optician when i got glasses asked me if i got headaches and i said no out of fear but really i shouldve mentioned the migraines. was just scared they'd put 2 and 2 together and start worrying me that it was something worse :(

I had the worst one ive ever had once couldn't move or my head would absolutely be pounding so bad and every time i slightly moved it got worse, had to sleep etc and lie down i often do with them. i find it hard to tolerate noise with them, but don't get sensitive to light. well they're just unpleasant so I feel sensitive to everything happening around me tbh.

Yesterday I expected what i presume was a 'ocular migraine' ie the aura thing which i weirdly had never read up about because i hadnt expereinced this before (i get 'normal' migraines just the headache) and they usually are, throbbing, nauseating i mean they usually involve nausea (read up on headaches and they sau this indicates its a migrain) and are on one side sometimes.

I'm just worried though because i have very bad myopia. the opticians know this. they also told me my optic nerve is too small - i'm worried the two are linked but hoping they are not.

I think though, since it was a while ago i was told that my optic nerve was too small... and ive been getting migraines which i think come on by stress usually but ive also had a few come on my alcohol -if im out and have one drink i sometimes get a migraine right after, and yesterday the one i had i'd drunk alcohol the night before wondering if that was the trigger.
so if they mostly tend to be brought on by stress (i know this as im stressed a lot and i can tell i'll 'give myself a migraine' which i generally know will happen if im stressed, and maybe alcohols a trigger, then surely this cannot be to do with my eyes?

I'm scared to get an eye test in case they tell me this is related to the migraines i get and that its something really bad - would i even know if it was something really bad?? how can i stop being scared its something really bad so I can go for an eye test?? I realise my vision is worse, which im very woried about too cos that's not normal with myopia?? i don't think it's normal with small optic nerve either??

just so anxious right now about these things, I know bad eyesight isn't something you can ignore but my anxiety makes me ignore all symptoms i get. through intense fear.

23-03-15, 17:20
I've had migraines since I was 11, I am now 23. In my experience they tend to change over time.

As for being linked to your vision - poor eyesight can cause headaches due to the strain. It's not due to something bad, it's just a fact of life. Similarly, if you put on a pair of glasses that are too strong for you and wear them for awhile, you'll get a headache.

I don't know about the optic nerve being too small - if it's something that is concerning you perhaps you can ask at your next appointment.

Honestly, though, if you are getting very frequent migraines (more than once a month), I'd go to your doc and/or a neurologist NOT out of fear that something is seriously wrong, but because they may be able to help you find medications and other solutions to make the pain go away.