View Full Version : What a beautiful day !!!

20-03-15, 16:31
So just wanted to say that the sun has come out and we are all coming out of those horrible dark winter months and into spring. Here in deepest Wiltshire the sun is shining and I have been walking my dog wearing a t-shirt and jeans (and underwear obviously:D). The sun is warm on my neck and the birds are going crazy singing in the hedgerows:yahoo:. My mood has lifted as it always does at this time of the year. Being "mindful" as I walk pushing all other thoughts away and absorbing that vitamin D from the sun.

Happy spring everyone:bighug1:


20-03-15, 17:12
I agree - after the disappointment of the eclipse it was good to get out for a walk in the sunshine enjoying the blossom and the daffodils and an outdoor cafe cup of tea.

21-03-15, 13:13
I love this time of year when you have the longest spell of spring/summer to look forward to. Instead of that feeling in October when you know the winter is only just starting.

I'm off abroad on holiday in April too so really buzzing at the moment.

21-03-15, 16:03
...and another one today:D

22-03-15, 10:20
The clocks go forward to next weekend so it will start being even lighter at night which is always a bonus as it can motivate you to do more later in the day.

I'm struggling with being out all the time in the dark, and I won't see much sunshine this year if I don't do something to drag this forward, but I used to like walking in the sun...its uplifting!

Its also nice seeing the wildlife and going into the parks more to watch and feed them.

22-03-15, 19:09
Let this be the summer that helps you get back on track, Terry! Lots of time stretched out to do it :) Like I do with starting my walks, what about adding on another chunk of time each week where you are up earlier in the day and in bed that much sooner?

And it is reassuring to know that for most of us the extra daylight, and especially being outdoors in the sun when it shines lifts our mood! Thanks for starting this thread, Sarah, bang on it is!

23-03-15, 07:36
Thats true Marie. I've been getting a bit down about missing the sun, as I missed most of it last year, but there is plenty of time...my sleep issues are out of control but I need to stop thinking they need a quick resolution as it adds more pressure.

I've dione the 15 mins shift, 30 mins shift, even several hours and it works for a few days to 10 and then it starts heading south again. I guess I just need to keep trying or find another way, maybe even something more sizeable.

23-03-15, 09:04
I had two great walks in the sun yesterday.... my dog was happy too!
Gentle exercise is one of the best ways to ease anxiety and lift my mood. But I appreciate that I live on the edge of a small town in the countryside, so am lucky to walk out of my door and onto fields beside the river Avon and the Kennet and Avon canal.

Weather has changed here today so I must grit my teeth and get on with the day:huh:
