View Full Version : Blood on toilet paper or pizza sauce?

20-03-15, 17:55
So this morning I had a bowel movement and I noticed some red on the toilet paper when wiping. This happened during the first wipe but wasn't on the paper after I wiped again. There was no blood in the stool though that I noticed as it all seemed to be a normal brown color. I freaked out and then realized I had pizza last night. I know it sounds gross but I kind of examined the stool and noticed what looked like a tomato skin, but what concerned me was I couldn't tell if the other part on the paper was blood or not. I've had gerd for a few years now and anxiety. Lately my stomach has been acting up some but I've figured its anxiety as I've been very anxious lately and ususlly feel better after s bowel movement. However I'm worried and concerned.

20-03-15, 18:06
I'm led to believe it's actually quite common to have the odd spot of blood on the loo roll, especially if your bum was sore. It may even have been tomato as I'm sure the skin doesn't get.digested properly.

20-03-15, 18:45
Tomato and pepper skin doesn't digest so comes out the same. Also, red blood is nothing to worry about if there was only a tiny bit as its the outside end so to speak. Could have been a very slight tear at worst but obviously not much as there was only a bit, so no need to worry yourself :)

20-03-15, 20:17
Bright, red bleeding is nothing to worry about much because it means it's from the anus and not from the intestines. It's generally small tears or hemorrhoids. At times I've seen good amounts of blood both on the toilet paper and in the toilet too, it's nothing serious.

Undigested stuff is also quite possible yeah.

20-03-15, 21:36
This happens a lot, it's basically undigested food. Treat it like food that doesn't get filtered. You're fine :)

22-03-15, 17:42
Now I'm a little worried. I hadn't experienced any blood (probably was pizza sauce As the next BM I clearly saw a tomato skin). Anyways I hadn't experienced it anymore. Well yesterday I was out of the house for quite awhile at a sporting event. I've been experiencing a lot of stomach aches lately so I haven't left out too long. I felt fine most of the time but did start to get hungry as I hadn't eaten since around 2:00 pm. Well I decided to get two hotdogs while at the event. After that I started experiencing bloating and felt like I had to relieve wind but obviously didn't want to relieve loud wind and have people looking. As soon as the event was over I rushed home. I just barely made it to the bathroom, although embarassingly as soon as I got into the bathroom some ended up on my drawers which was normal brown diarrhea. Sorry I hate to be so graphic. Anyways, what I experienced in the toilet was different. There was a lot of wind coming out and I thought I was going but all that came out was clear mucus with a tiny bit of blood in it. After this the blosting went down for the most part and while I had wind still and felt a little crampy I did feel 10 lbs lighter. I however did feel like I bohkd empty out some more but when I tried again only has would pass with very little mucus. This morning I woke up still with runny stool that was brownish/green. Next BM was more solid but only a little bit came out. It was back to brown though. Should I be worried?

22-03-15, 17:56
You're experiencing nothing more than 90+% of anxiety sufferers on this board have posted about at one time or another. Sure, you can go to the doctor, get tests, a colonoscopy and such and most likely be diagnosed with intestinal problems exasperated by anxiety OR.... you can watch what you eat and treat your anxiety, thus treating the symptoms associated with it.

Positive thoughts

22-03-15, 18:06
Keep watching your poo I'd say for a couple days. Sounds like a popped hemorrhoid to me! Bright blood isn't too uncommon in the stool as it shows that it came from your lower digestive tract. Id only start becoming concerned if it's A LOT of blood or it's black and tarry in nature. You can always grab a stool test kit from the store if you continue to worry about blood. But even if there is blood there are SO many common and treatable reasons for this to happen.

I've been going through similar things and I've found that probiotics have helped a lot with the regularity of my BMs, which can also help with any irritation that may be happening in there.

Try not to worry and know that it's most likely nothing bad!

22-03-15, 20:48
Thanks Alliedee and Fishman. So far no more blood but still experiencing small loose stools that have mucus in them. Also feeling a stabbing pain on the left side of my chest like heart burn ever since eating. Was still able to get my school work accomplished though and not let it get in the way of that. I really just want to feel better as I'm getting tired of these constapation/loose stool back and forth getting in the way of me doing things such as hanging out with my friends etc.

03-05-20, 18:27
Any updates? Today I had some weird red spots after an extremely hard poop. Like it was hard getting it out and it came in clumps then I noticed some weird red spots on the poop. Didn’t have any blood in water or on toilet paper.

I’ve had some bowel concern in past few months but did multiple at home FIT tests over different times of day and they all came back negative for blood. Also had CBC two weeks ago that had no sign of anemia.