View Full Version : Fast heartbeats any advice please?

18-01-07, 17:49
Hi All
Well the last three days ive had what i call racey heartbeats they are doing my head in now . Normallly wheni am at work they go away but not today making me feel sick too. Im so tired from not sleeping at night so that doesnt help matters. Tried to distract myself but thats not working just wish it would stop seem to feel each one .,theres no missing beats though. Should i check with the doc? Hate going there and bothering them for nothing. Sorry to moan but thanks for reading.

18-01-07, 18:19
hi am am sorry to here what is happening, i have suffered from anxiety for 4yrs now but i am alot better, i have a health anxiety, it was all because i could always feel my heart beating and when i first started with it it was my heart i was always worried about, i could always feel it even in bed, i even had a blood pressure monitor and i was always monitering it to see what my pulse was, its been hard but i am gradually getting over it, the hardest was when i would go the gym because i would always feel my heart pumping, have you ever seen what your pulse is when its going fast? go to your doctors and mention it to him and once you know everythings fine you will not be so anxious, good luck and keep in touch x

18-01-07, 18:57
Hi Anne

Try these links they may help also

heart pounding
Feel my heart beating (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3710)
Heart - Updated (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3861)
racing heartbeat (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=4789)



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

18-01-07, 20:26
Thanks Fisher and honey bee
Just had barny with son and it seems to have stopped it lol (know what to do next time)
Gonna pop to docs before i go to work though just to get checked over.
Take care xxx

19-01-07, 11:41
Hi Anne

I know how you feel. I have the same problem and missed beats too.
The more you fret about it the faster your heart beats. I constantly worry about my heart, always listening in and taking my pulse. Had it earlier so put the radio on and danced round the kitchen. Thought if there was anything wrong i would have been on the floor but i was fine. Hope the neighbours didn't see me Ha!Ha! Hope you get on ok at the docs and try not to worry.

19-01-07, 16:49
Hi All
Well just got back from docs she listened to heart but its been ok on and off today untill i came out of the surgery typical . Going to hospital to have heart monitored for 24 hours but cant get an appointment till march! Also having tests done for thyroid, colesterol , diabetis etc for constant tiredness . She was good and said if i get them all day again just pop to the hospital to get checked but blood pressure was spot on. Thanks for listening
Take care
Anne xxx