View Full Version : Scared about lymph nodes!!

21-03-15, 05:00
Hi, I've postedabout this before but it's really been bothering me lately. I have a total of four swollen lymph nodes on my neck. Two are beneath both sides of my jaw, one on the left side of my neck, and one on my right collarbone. I have had these for a few years now and feel like they have grown. I'm not sick or anything, and they are always enlarged. they are rock hard but moveable. The ones on my jaw are a weird shape and are very long. I'm so scared its cancer, and I'm 16 so im scared it could be lymphoma. Also, my iron is low and I'm worried that this is related

21-03-15, 10:25

I think swollen lymph nodes with cancer are completely fixed? I don't know for sure because I'm not a doctor, so I think that you should definitely visit your GP. I'm not saying there's anything seriously wrong with you, as there are many conditions that can cause swollen nodes that are certainly all benign and not at all serious.

Good luck, let me know how you get on

Toby :hugs:

21-03-15, 20:13
I would go to my GP but my mom won't take me because I have gone way too many times these past few months. Does anyone else have anything like this?

21-03-15, 20:20
My guess would be cysts or lipoma. My father-in-law has these all the time, they feel rather hard, kinda rubbery, movable, and slowly grow over the years. He gets a few removed every now and then. It can also be nodes that were "scarred" in the past and will just remain this way forever.

The good news is you've had these for years, so it's not like something bad would happen overnight from this anyway. If I was you I'd discuss this with your GP eventually, maybe just over the phone, see what he thinks about it?

I have one such lump at the side of my neck too, lots of people do actually and are just fine by the way.

21-03-15, 20:45
Thank you for your reply it's really put me at ease. I'll see if I can talk to my GP

21-03-15, 21:26
Try and tell your mum that you're really concerned and you're just going to worry a lot if you don't get an appointment, which may interfere in your school work and exams. If not, then there's not much you can do I'm afraid.

21-03-15, 21:42
I had a CT scan of my sinuses done about 2 months ago(I was worried about sinus cancer). Would this have showed enlarged nodes?