View Full Version : Bowel cancer fears and anaemia

21-03-15, 19:46
Please help - I'm absolutely terrified.

I was diagnosed with Anaemia weeks ago and I've been taking iron supplements. My initial symptoms were lack of energy, aches & pains & palpitations. My doctor, like myself, acknowledges I suffer with stress and anxiety and put it down to that but still arranged blood tests as I am hypothyroid so got that checked with routine blood count etc. It was a relief if I'm honest to hear it was anaemia as that meant I'd pop pills and get better yeah? Wrong! My diagnosis has fuelled more anxiety because of other symptoms and the fact I am obsessed with googling them. I don't Google looking to diagnose, I do it to look for reassurance that in fact I'm ok. But it rarely works that way and today alone I've feared both ovarian cancer and now bowel cancer.

My symptoms have been persistent bowel changes. Along with bloating, mucus in stools, wind and horrendous pain in the lower right hand side. Sometimes I can't move for the pain. I have not seen any blood in stools although they are black due to iron tablets. I have not lost weight and my appetite is good. I was diagnosed with IBS before and I know these are all IBS symptoms but the anaemia has got me believing it is caused by cancer. I still get occasionally breathless, dizzy and palpitations. I do have anxiety as well so I am aware these are common anxiety symptoms. But putting all the symptoms together and being diagnosed anaemic (the Dr assumed is due to periods but this has not been proven) has caused me great distress.

I am 41 years old. I have had camera work before (throat and bottom). I think about 4-5 years ago) that revealed diverticulitis but no polyps or anything sinister. I take medication for acid reflux, underactive thyroid and anaemia. I have polycystic ovaries and very irregular periods. I am overweight. My diet is not great but improving.

I would be grateful for absolutely any help at all as to whether I should be worrying about bowel or ovarian cancer. Should I wait longer (bowel changes have been going on for years because of ibs). It's the fact I've got anaemia that's fuelling this latest doubt. Also given my health as above, are anyone able to comment on diet problems? Is my love of tea and crisps (2-3 pkts a day) causing big problems?


22-03-15, 03:13
I also have diverticulitis and the symptoms you mention can all be caused by that and I have had the same symptoms many times. It sounds as though you might have a flare up and need some antibiotics from your doctor. Do you have another appointment to go back and see him.

22-03-15, 04:10
Even if there were blood there are many things than can cause it other than cancer.

I have lots of bowel problems too, but I figure it's probably not cancer and just an irritated bowel due to dysbiosis or candidiasis, or similar.

I think most gut problems are caused by an infection or overgrowth of some kind.

22-03-15, 08:56
Thank you for your replies. I don't have an appointment to see my dr and I've decided to wait 2 more days and eat only bland food to see if it clears and if it doesn't I'll go up. The thought of my dr probing in that area fills me with dread but I also appreciate I might just need a stool sample. Or maybe nothing at all. I ate little last night but still in some pain this morning. Same area - low right side.

31-10-15, 16:04
Came on this to look for reassurance following my next fear. I still suffer anaemia and not tolerating the iron well so keep stopping. Now I have dreadful indigestion, chest pain, palpitations and fluttering, stomach upset, upper bloating and discomfort, feelings of something lodged in the chest. So many symptoms which has resulted in me not eating or drinking properly for days. I've just had soup and bread and my chest feels full. I've stopped lanzoprozol and iron and both were making me feel worse. I still feel absolutely shattered but the tiredness is tolerable. Now my symptoms are directing me to stomach cancer. Again, I am feeding off the diagnosis of anaemia alongside other symptoms.

dizzy daisy
31-10-15, 16:43
I've been away from work 2 weeks now. Had migraine initally then panicked being off work- then got fatigued and haven't been able to shake it. I know some of this will be due to the anxiety though. Went to Dr for reassurance and she said could have underlying issues too- sent me into panic thinking what illnesses I could have- all worse case senarios obviously. It so weird because it's come on so quick- I was ok before,!! Anyway am getting myself ready for bloods which will be blood count, Ferrin, thyroid,glucose,lipids,renal and Crp. I know these are routine bloods but panicking and also thinking could I die from anemia if it's that while I'm waiting as I do feel so tired. Xxxx