View Full Version : teenager health anxiety cancer fear

22-03-15, 03:26
so this is my second post on here, and i dont know what to do, i used to worry my mother sick with how bad my HA and fear of cancer was getting, but i slowly managed to calm down and it went away for a long time it was still there, but in the back of my head and i could repress it, ill try to keep this short since my last one was so long, i got a bunch of blood tests at a few doctors which helped me clear my mind, but not long after all that (probably a span of about two months) i had an anxiety attack and forced my dad to drive me straight to the hospital right away, it was always my lymph nodes that bugged me mainly along with strange muscle and back pains not to mention strange clicks in my elbow i get now i tought for sure it was some kind of lymphoma tumour due to all my lymph nodes all over me i could feel, the x ray and blood test came up clear and it helped a ton, but about a month or two later ive noticed little red dots on my skin like blood spots, of course i googled it to the max and found things like petachie, which is a symptom of leukemia and around this time i found out spleen pain and how its a symptom of lymphoma as soon as i found the location of where the spleen was i started feeling pain there and its worse sometimes more then others, its like it never ends :/ and i know that they are there. there seems to be new ones popping up but at the same time maybe they have always been there, this has made me very depressed and i pretty much feel empty, i have strange dreams and sweat a bit at night, but no where near enough to drenching me, im literally going insane and i just need an opinion, im tired of going to my doctor every week and wasting his time, its embarrasing, any response would help, thank you very much.

22-03-15, 14:07
Seeing so many young people on the forum suffering hits a nerve with me :( Having a daughter with anxiety and depression, I know how difficult it can be. When she came to me, I called her mother and we made sure she got help. She's in therapy, takes meds and is doing great.

I urge you to speak to your parents about this. They obviously know you're having some issues. Ask them to get you help.

Positive thoughts

23-03-15, 16:56

Oh my gosh you are so much like me. I'm also a teen, I have HA and petechiae. They are harmless as far as I know and many people have them. They can be caused by trauma, viruses trying to leave the body and even anxiety. I doubt that your spleen is enlarged though, it's probably anxiety because you mention that the pain started when you began worrying about it. I bet you if you stopped worrying, it will go. Anyway, with leukemia you'd not just have the petechiae, you'd have odd bruising in places such as your hands and even sometimes your head. Just don't worry about it. I'm sure your blood works would be bang off the scale if you had leukemia. There'd be something not quite right at least.

The only way you will stop worrying however is if you speak to your parents about another doctors appointment. It's not embarrassing to see a doctor, because it's their job to sort you out if you feel there's anything wrong. For your peace of mind, tell him your symptoms and describe how you feel. You'll be told that you most likely don't have leukemia and that you need to work on your anxiety. I'm like you, I have HA that's getting a little better now, but not 100%, so I'm seeing someone about it very soon and hopefully begin to get rid of it. You can do the same.

A really kind person gave me this link on one of my other threads, you'll benfit from giving it a read and hopefully begin to understand and begin to control your HA http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=53

I'm always here if you need to speak to me on PM. Just press my name and click "Send a private message.." because I know HA can be REALLY hard to cope with and sometimes it's nice to have someone to talk to. As Fishmanpa says, speak to your parents :)


Toby :hugs:

24-03-15, 16:56
Thank you both for the replies, means more then you might think haha, and i have informed my parents they do know, i think im gonna go for one more test to help with my state of mind, thanks again for the replies, helps more then you might know

---------- Post added at 09:56 ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 ----------

good to know im nt the only one who has it either, of course google told me much different, i always tell myself i wont use it but i always come back haha

25-03-15, 02:34
Hi, I'm a teen too and also have a constant fear of cancer. I have a lot of swollen lymph nodes also, and these worry me so much. Most recently, I had an extreme fear of sinus cancer and like you, I made my mom take me to the hospital. Try not to worry and definitely do NOT use google. I'm currently taking anxiety meds and seeing a therapist and both are helping a lot. I hope this is helpful to you, I know it's always nice to hear from people in similar situations :)