View Full Version : Conquer fear of going crazy/Schizophrenia?

22-03-15, 04:32
I have extreme generalized anxiety, panic, hypochondria, depression, blah.. Blah.. Everything. I'm either terrified of dying or going crazy. They flip flop. I'm afraid I'm going to completely lose touch of reality.. I'll question every thought I have. If a song gets stuck in my head. I listen to a lot of talk radio and I'll get that stuck in my head and it'll go off randomly. For example, I'll be brushing my teeth and hear a song then hear the artist in the song in like an interview or something talking about random stuff or hear the radio people talking about random stuff. Everyone tells me I'm overthinking it and everyone gets stuff stuck in their head and has imagination. Any tips on how to get over this fear?

22-03-15, 11:25
You're not going to go "crazy". You are just very vigilant and are self monitoring.

You get more of what you focus on and where your thoughts go your mood follows.

Develop a new habit. Where might you find things that make you laugh ? what kind of things make you laugh ? Find things that you find amusing and collect them.

You have to fill your mind with new thoughts and develop new habits. You'll get more of the new, more positive, more constructive, more enjoyable things you focus on and where your thoughts go your mood will follow.

Anything related to your health or self monitoring put it in your mental bin. You need to learn to look away from that subject and forget it. If you catch yourself looking there again ,mental bin and back onto those healthy subjects. Over time your mood will thank you.

Today you are healthy and that's fantastic news. You are very lucky.

All that thinking about songs and interviews, it's just normal mental junk. It's not a sign of anything and it doesnt mean anything = mental bin and don't bother yourself with it anymore. Remember something you found amusing. Remember people you like. You'll feel so much better.

I do understand it's hard. I really do. You have to break these anxious habits though. Anxious thinking just creates an anxious mood. Focus on things that produce more enjoyable moods. Then focus on them continually and never focus on those anxious subjects again.

Start the new habit today.

16-04-15, 04:04
Deep down, I think I know and agree with everything you say but how? I tried painting and stuff like that but I always fall back into it. I've only held a job for 2 months and before that/now, I can't work . I wake up in panic attacks which I haven't done since I first got panic attacks. I agree with everything you post and want to help myself but his do you like get control back? I excersise, well run a lot for the past year now and that hasn't reall helped much.. Then I get sore and anxious. I'm starting to become more reclusive because I have less and less friends because they're either drug dealers or on drugs. The only good friends I have are busy all the time or gone. Meeting a girl I like seems impossible because I can't even have sex because the anxiety is so bad and I can't for lack of better term stay or get hard sometimes. I'm just at a breaking point where I feel worse and more confused and hopeless than I did when I first was getting my panic attacks because it's not just health that sets me off now

17-04-15, 22:42
If your friends are on drugs did this start with drugs ? I'm not bothered. It's just that's the situation I was in as well as then staying away from them due to drugs/alcohol.

I got heavily into running and got massive runners highs but it increased my nervous energy and anxiety. I ended up preferring hiking up hills, with company if poss.

I improved my nutrition. I listen to a lot of audio stuff like podcasts to keep my mind occupied. When the crap enters my head and my confidence plummets and suggestions start creeping me out I shush them, break them up before they can form and get back on track. They're just like little side roads you have to learn to ignore. It's habit now. I stay in the right headspace.

For whatever reason you have become prone to suggestions and doubt/panic and anxiety loves it.
For me it's still there. I just now have methods to stop doubting myself, panicking and getting trapped down the rabbit hole ruminating about it all.

An improved self image, reasons for more confidence, higher self esteem, good nutrition, relationships have all helped me.

18-04-15, 01:27
Yeah, I guess you can say it started with drugs. I was smoking weed a lot in my teens because I guess to alleviate boredom and slight depression where I would come home from school and just sleep because my grandma died (first death of many that I experienced) but I did shrooms and LSD and was fine during those times but I just got done smoking with my buddies and I was skateboarding like any other day and I tried a trick a pulled a back muscle I suppose or something then my whole back went numb and I panicked then I calmed down but like two days later I smoked again and completely panicked again I had the same back pain and was convinced my kidneys were shutting down or something. Then the constant panic and anxiety started after that and that was probably 6 or 7 years ago.

---------- Post added at 00:27 ---------- Previous post was at 00:23 ----------

And what techniques help you? I try to eat healthy and exercise but then it's kind of reinforcing that something is wrong with you and you're screwed up if you can't drink caffeine or you have to do something. It because like a coping mechanism that hasn't worked well because I run A LOT and eat as healthy as I can with not having much money from not being able to work. But what helps you like with working and just I guess getting through a day/night without losing it?