View Full Version : feeling awful

22-03-15, 11:01
Hello, not posted for a while, anybody suffer these symptoms please, wake in the morning feeling awful feeling in stomach, gets so bad somtimes that I think I cant cope, feel sick, cant eat, these last for about a week and then just go, get them every few months, sometimes uncontrollable shaking too, I feel so alone.

22-03-15, 11:07
Hiya lorandian and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

22-03-15, 12:10
Hi, I feel the same most mornings but if I keep on the move it usually passes in about two hours. I have read that it is a build up of cortisol which triggers adrenaline, i think that's why we have the shakes. Your are definitely not alone with this as it rarely gives me a morning off. Hope you feel better knowing you arent alone feeling like this, i have read that there are many of us.

22-03-15, 12:21
Thank you so much for your reply GEE-SP, it really does help to know that somebody understands how I feel, only somebody who's been there would know x

22-03-15, 14:58
Your very welcome :)

25-03-15, 06:41
This can become chronic because your hippocampus in the centre of your brain is your memory and fear centre. Remove it and you will never fear again but you will also not remember the day before. There is a good movie based on this.
Your hippocampus sends messages to your hypothalamus which controls your pituitary gland which controls the glands for cortisole and adrenalin. Among others. If you can accept it when it happens and try to ignore it, it is supposed to send a different feed back message to your hippocampus and get a different reaction.

If I'm stressed mentally or physically so bad I shake and can't eat, I make a cup of lemon balm tea fifteen minutes before eating and I'm fine. It is like it didn't happen. I used to use Ativan but became dependent.
