View Full Version : Doctors don't know what's wrong with me anymore

Orange Lightning
22-03-15, 11:02
I can't get over my symptoms, and it's been 3 years since they began! I can't live a full life like this; I feel like I'm slowly going to go mad at this rate!!

I've seen ENTs, Gastro specialists, GPs, Emergency Room doctors, I've traveled across the country and ordered online tests out of desperation. I have no idea what is happening to my body, and neither does anyone else I've seen.

- My nose is permenantly blocked and almost impossible to breath through. If I lean back in a seat, take a hot shower, excercise or sit in my car it gets worse, and has begun to get worse since sunny weather set in. I have no known allergies, and even if I did I've tried 5 different things which have all failed me - right now I'm on Flixonase and Cetirizine Hydrochloride. I've tried other allergy meds too, as well as sinus rinses and decongestants, steam inhalation and plenty more besides - if you suggest it, I've tried it.

- When things get at their worst, I get so much post nasal drip my airways block and I literally cannot breath properly. It isn't hyperventilation; I know how that feels. My body cannot get enough air, so it makes me gasp. I have to hunch over to get any air in - if I sit hunched over at a computer, things improve. Only "Oxymetazoline Hydrochloride" forces opens my sinuses, but I still don't get a runny nose and when it wears off, things become twice as bad as before. Also this stuff works for everyone, not just me, so it doesn't assist in proving what I have.

- I haven't had a runny nose for 3 years, which means I can't clean out my sinuses when something like this happens. It keeps me awake at night, gives me migraines and makes me tired and depressed.

- On top of that, I'm struggling to prove I have LPR reflux to doctors, which can't be controlled either. Every single medication diet change and lifestyle change I've tried has backfired on me. There is NOTHING I can do about it.

I want to be able to walk, talk, breathe, exercise, laugh and enjoy life like a normal person, but right now I'm scared to even get out of bed - and even then sometimes the problems follow me into bed too! I have no idea what is happening to me, but it makes me scared to keep living. I'm afraid one day the airways will block up so much even the emergency rooms won't be able to save me, and I dread the arrival of summer now in case it has something to do with heat.

I know for a fact it isn't an allergy. I get hayfever but I know how it feels when I do. I'd get an itchy throat, itchy eyes, and most importantly, a runny nose. That's not bad at all, I could live with that, but I haven't even had that for 3 years!

An ENT scoped my nose in winter - too late to catch some of my symptoms - and said nothing was wrong with my nose. Of course that means nobody believes me now, and everyone says all my symptoms are to do with anxiety. Surely that's nonsense? How can anxiety cause so many specific problems, under such specific conditions, and especially when I'm NOT ANXIOUS about life?!

22-03-15, 12:02
I really feel for you.

I've been having problems for years with a combination of symptoms. Runny/blocked nose one side, dry scratchy throat, fluid in ears.

The doctors have just given me nasal sprays and antihistamines which I find just dry out my nose and make it worse.

I then got referred to an ENT consultant who said nothing wrong other than ETD. Thing is he scoped one side of my nose but the side that I don't have problems with and I wonder can they actually see both sides or do they need to scope both sides individually if that makes sense?

I've also tried sinus rinses/sprays, natural remedies and still have ongoing issues.

I also have Acid reflux and I have an appt with GP on Thursday whereby I'm going to go over all of this again, I swear if they prescribe another nasal spray or antihistamine I'm likely to tell them to poke it.

It is so frustrating, my symptoms dont seem as bad as yours but I really sympathise as they get me down, with my throat it constantly feels like I've got a virus coming and then nothing for a few days then it's back.

I was going to ask for allergy testing as they keep saying I'm allergic to things and like you I have hayfever but my symptoms don't tie in with my hayfever symptoms if that makes sense.

I'm sorry I don't know the answer just really wanted to empathise with you on this!

22-03-15, 13:12

You've been on the forum for several years. By your own posts, you've seen more doctors, specialists and have had more tests than most. At least from your history, there's no sinister physical reason you're suffering. Things like acid reflux and allergies do cause chronic symptoms and anxiety exasperates them.

What I haven't seen in your history is that you're seeking help with your real illness. You say it can't be anxiety yet you've been part of this forum for years. Somewhere deep down you know what the deal is and it's time to accept and treat it. There are situations in your life that obviously are causing stress and anxiety and getting to the root of those issues will no doubt help to ease some of the physical symptoms it's creating.

Good luck and positive thoughts

22-03-15, 22:15
Hey, did your ENT refer you for any scans? I have suffered the same for a few years, my GP kept putting it down to Rhinitis. Last month I begged to see an ENT as it was getting me down plus I had become addicted to Otrivine. Great stuff but not to be used long term.

ENT did a scope and also a CT scan. It turns out I have a deviated septum which is apparently rather common. He said there is a surgery I can have but he wanted me to try a different spray first as Otrivine had thickened the nose lining making everything worse. I have been using Avamys for a month now and I rarely need the otrivine (he said I can still use it occasionally, even he uses it when he has a cold). I had a meeting with him the other day and decided not to go ahead with surgery for now.

I hope you get the answers and the help that you require. :hugs:

Orange Lightning
23-03-15, 10:32
Hey, did your ENT refer you for any scans? I have suffered the same for a few years, my GP kept putting it down to Rhinitis. Last month I begged to see an ENT as it was getting me down plus I had become addicted to Otrivine. Great stuff but not to be used long term.

ENT did a scope and also a CT scan. It turns out I have a deviated septum which is apparently rather common. He said there is a surgery I can have but he wanted me to try a different spray first as Otrivine had thickened the nose lining making everything worse. I have been using Avamys for a month now and I rarely need the otrivine (he said I can still use it occasionally, even he uses it when he has a cold). I had a meeting with him the other day and decided not to go ahead with surgery for now.

I hope you get the answers and the help that you require. :hugs:

That scan could be the thing I need to chase. Did your ENT say he found the deviated sputum from his scope or the scan?

23-03-15, 11:51
That scan could be the thing I need to chase.

The key is to stop chasing a diagnosis (you have diagnosed allergies, albeit pretty sever from the sounds of it) and start treating the real illness.

Good luck and positive thoughts