View Full Version : lymphoma, convinced I have it.

22-03-15, 19:17
I am 24 male and since Thursday I found a pea sized lump under skin on side of neck, I've not left the house all weekend due to the worry and last night it got worse. I woke up sweating! This is a possible symptom they say, but I am being positive as the tiny lump and last night sweats are only symptoms but dreading sleeping tonight! Does anyone think I should be worrie? I am booking docs tomorrow! Need someone to speak too :wacko:

22-03-15, 19:26
Based on your history, I would say the visit to your doctor will result in nothing sinister being found physically. A "pea" sized lump (which is normal), in my experience, is not something to be concerned with. That, and keeping in mind the subject of the forum you're posting to, I would say this is an overreaction to a normal part of your anatomy and at worst a normal physical response to an outside stimuli (been drinking much?). Treating the real illness is key in controlling your physical and psychological response.

Positive thoughts

25-03-15, 10:44
Thank you for the reply, I have actually taken your advice from your last post to me and will not be touching any alcohol until I am off these meds, I went to the doctors and found nothing.

Just had a couple more questions,

I have an Ulcer on the right side of my tounge, could this of brung my gland up?
And how long can they take to go back down?


Gary A
25-03-15, 11:12
Ulcer on your tongue may have brought the gland up, but probably not. To be honest is the gland actually even "up" or is it possible that the gland has always been there and you've only just noticed it through your anxious self scanning? Lymph nodes are actually quite prominent in certain areas, I can literally feel about 10 "lumps" around my collarbone area which I know are nothing more than perfectly normal nodes.

Try to realise that lumps and bumps, especially in glandular areas such as your groin and neck, are actually pretty normal. Any doctor can quite easily differentiate between what is normal and what isn't. When a doctor feels your glands for swelling, note that he/she doesn't prod a finger deep into your neck. They will lightly touch the area, as any unusually enlarged node or gland will be very prominent and feel very different to other normal nodes and glands. If you search for lumps you'll find them, simple as that.