View Full Version : Anxious/stressed about my eczema and itchy skin

22-03-15, 22:10
So I've had eczema since I was very little and have always had severe itchy skin to an extent, but in the last 2 or so years it has gotten to the point where it's unbearable and is a part of my everyday life and has caused me lots of stress.

I've been to my GP these last few years and seen various practitioners about my skin, and they have been trying to help me by prescribing creams and lotions to help stop the itching which haven't helped.
Recently the doctor advised me to put multiple layers of cream on my skin, and I thought this worked for a few days but my skin then reacted to these creams as well. The itching lessened but then this new kind of prickly, sharp kind of itch came along is causing me stress.

I've been through so many creams to try and lessen the itching I'm just feeling really worried and stressed about my skin and the effect I'm causing on it by scratching every day. Every time I go to the doctors they just say we can't change how your made or wave a magic wand to make it go away but they keep on prescribing me the same creams and its just not working no matter how many times I say this to them.
I know I could have worse things wrong with my body but the itching keeps me up at night and sometimes I get no sleep at all.

I'm just wondering what to do now because I feel like I've run out of options and I have terrible acne around my face/neck as well. I take antihistamines which help but don't want to keep relying on them. I'm wondering if there are other people who have had itchy skin but then found a solution or things that helped them lessen the itchy because for me it really is unbearable and all over my body.


22-03-15, 23:39
Someone I know suffers from dry skin when the weather is really dry... Not sure where you are from but I'm from the uk and there's a cream called e45 cream and it really is amazing at getting the skin all moisturised again! It's really cheap too

22-03-15, 23:47
I know how you feel. I have a type of eczema called discoid all over my body and it causes the itchy burning you mentioned. I found the creams didn't touch it and some even made it worse. When it was really bad I washed only using aqueous cream you can buy in huge tubs for only a few pounds. The steroid ointment ( not cream) Betnovate was the only thing to work and calm it all down. I only have patches on my elbows and knees these days thank goodness. X

23-03-15, 07:25
I've had eczema all my life as well and sometimes it flares up, sometimes it settles down. Different things work for different people - personally I find E45 aggravates mine and makes it worse. Even hydrocortizone doesn't always help much. Using a natural oat based mousturiser can help some people as a lot of the creams they prescribe have a lot of chemicals in which make it worse for some people. Have you looked at changing your diet? A lot of people with skin issues and allergies are intolerant to dairy products. Have you thought about natural approaches like acupuncture? That has helped me a lot and as a teenager, my brother had terrible acne. He was on all kinds of steroids and went to a specialist skin clinic, but they couldn't do anything with it. After a few months of acupuncture and using the herbal creams that the acupuncturist prescribed him his skin was totally clear and has been ever since.

23-03-15, 07:56
hey there, i have had dry skin my whole life, been to loads of dermatologists and it is still there. The cold weather particularly aggravates it however, now i live in the UAE I find the sun and sea water helpful. That is not much help for you though in the UK!

When I had my flare ups, i found that dermovate cream or ointment was fantastic. Put it on twice a day and within two days, I was all cleared up. It is a cordisone cream though so cant use it regularly.

Other than that, getting into the sea was great too, if cold! But found it really helped. People used to think i was mad in my home town on the UK coast, going into the sea in the winter time! As another poster mentioned, the oat based creams were good too!
Hope you get some relief.

21-05-22, 20:23
If you suffer from eczema, you know how itchy and irritating the condition can be. But there are ways to get relief. These include:
• Applying a moisturizer regularly. This helps to keep your skin hydrated and less likely to itch. Look for products that are labeled “ hypoallergenic ” or “ for sensitive skin. ”
• Applying a steroid or Neurodermitis Creme (https://marieletzner.com/). These can help to reduce inflammation and itching. Be sure to follow the directions on the package, and don’t use them for more than a week at a time.
• Taking an antihistamine . This can help to relieve itching.
• avoiding irritants. Things that can trigger eczema include detergents, fragrances, and rough fabrics. If you know what your triggers are, try to avoid them.