View Full Version : no normal poop in 5 months!! ANYONE ELSE?

22-03-15, 23:24

please don't delete this, no one asnwers in the IBS forum.

My poop still isn't normal and I"m losing my mind.
anyone else had loose stools then constipation as a constant?

I now have terrible heartburn and I"m not coping at all today!

Thank you for your help!!!

23-03-15, 00:26
I've been struggling with this a lot as well. I've been eliminating caffeine and fatty foods and also started taking probiotics and it's seemed to help me be more regular. People always say eat more fiber! But I've found that putting too much fiber in my diet, or using fiber supplements, makes it worse.

Along with the abdominal pains I've been having I've assumed I have Crohn's disease or something but doctors always tell me no.

I hope you start feeling better soon! I know this is a very stressful subject but if you're not having any other symptoms you should be okay :)

23-03-15, 00:34
Thank you - I needed to hear from someone, I went to the chemist to get some probiotics and started crying!!! I"m so over it.

23-03-15, 01:22
I've been struggling with this a lot as well. I've been eliminating caffeine and fatty foods and also started taking probiotics and it's seemed to help me be more regular. People always say eat more fiber! But I've found that putting too much fiber in my diet, or using fiber supplements, makes it worse.

Along with the abdominal pains I've been having I've assumed I have Crohn's disease or something but doctors always tell me no.

I hope you start feeling better soon! I know this is a very stressful subject but if you're not having any other symptoms you should be okay :)

WOW! You nailed exactly how I've been feeling lately. I am going through the exact same thing and have been for about 6 weeks now. I increased my fiber which did bulk my stool up some but it gave me too much wind and I would still experience going to the bathroom just as much, only it was more bulk.

I am also wondering if I have crohns disease or ulcerative colitis. My brother has the latter but his doesn't seem too bad and has been mild since he was diagnosed years ago. I was convinced I had IBS. How are the probiotics working for you? I have been reading about probiotics and how they are suppose to help. Have you been expereincing a lack of appitiate or getting full quickly? I've just been so anxious. I can't tell if this is just HA having its way with me or if I have something else. I'm glad someone else is experiencing similar symptoms. It does help the worry some. I hope you feel better soon!

OP, yes I have been experiencing this as well but along with diarrhea. Do you have a lack of appitate, feel bloated after meals, or get stomach pains?

23-03-15, 01:33
WOW! You nailed exactly how I've been feeling lately. I am going through the exact same thing and have been for about 6 weeks now. I increased my fiber which did bulk my stool up some but it gave me too much wind and I would still experience going to the bathroom just as much, only it was more bulk.

I am also wondering if I have crohns disease or ulcerative colitis. My brother has the latter but his doesn't seem too bad and has been mild since he was diagnosed years ago. I was convinced I had IBS. How are the probiotics working for you? I have been reading about probiotics and how they are suppose to help. Have you been expereincing a lack of appitiate or getting full quickly? I've just been so anxious. I can't tell if this is just HA having its way with me or if I have something else. I'm glad someone else is experiencing similar symptoms. It does help the worry some. I hope you feel better soon!

Probiotics have been working very well for me! I'm taking a generic type of the brand align for two weeks and my BMs have been much more regular. I'm still convinced I have IBS or Crohn's but docs have yet to find any real evidence of either. IBS sounds like it could always be a possibility especially with how it does often coincide with stress and anxiety. Unfortunately I don't think its curable, but it luckily is very manageable and shouldn't pose a threat to your overall health! I know working on stress management techniques can also be very helpful in those with IBS.

My doc suggested the probiotic and said stay away from stool softeners, laxatives, and fiber supplements. Also eating more healthy, balanced meals and being more active. I've been going for casual walks more often in addition to working on my feet all day. I feel like work is more of a stress on my body and caused pain, but a nice walk is good for regulating everything "down there".

This is just my personal experiences but I hope they help you out also. :)

23-03-15, 04:11
I have pain even from drinking water! I get bloated and have flatulence - it's so frustrating!
No normal poop in 6 months almost - sooooo over it!

23-03-15, 04:31
I have pain even from drinking water! I get bloated and have flatulence - it's so frustrating!
No normal poop in 6 months almost - sooooo over it!

I will get pain and wind sometimes just from water as well. It sucks because I can't even get excited about eating. I use to have a good appitate now I can berely finish a turkey sub. Is this really our anxiety doing this to us? Have you seen a doctor?

23-03-15, 04:56
Iv'e seen a Dr and I've gotten every test possible without a colonoscopy which I'm hoping to get next.

i've gotten

stool sample for parasites and blood
CRP for inflammation
and Calprocactin or however you spell it and it's all clear.

The Dr says it's IBS but the thing is is that it's constant and as far as I know IBS comes and goes - this is just annoying.
I do notice that stress exacerbates my bad bowels and to be honest I think it's years upon years of anxiety taking their toll but now what - how do I change it!

You've only been going for 6 weeks so count yourself lucky ;)

23-03-15, 05:07
Iv'e seen a Dr and I've gotten every test possible without a colonoscopy which I'm hoping to get next.

i've gotten

stool sample for parasites and blood
CRP for inflammation
and Calprocactin or however you spell it and it's all clear.

The Dr says it's IBS but the thing is is that it's constant and as far as I know IBS comes and goes - this is just annoying.
I do notice that stress exacerbates my bad bowels and to be honest I think it's years upon years of anxiety taking their toll but now what - how do I change it!

You've only been going for 6 weeks so count yourself lucky ;)

Have you been under a lot of stress lately? I could be wrong but from my understanding IBS flares up in times of stress and symtoms might not go away until the stress is gone. Again, I could be wrong but that seems like the most likely case here. Have you changed your diet at all? Personally I think it's stress.

I've been convienced I have IBS as well because symtoms didn't start until I was under stress but they haven't let up. Haven't made an appointment yet though.

23-03-15, 14:35
IBS is aggravated by stress certainly, but your gut and your nerves are interconnected in so many ways, I personally recommend following a low-FODMAP diet for a few weeks to see if your symptoms improve because it was once my symptoms started to improve that I was better able to deal with my anxiety - like I say it was all tangled up in a bit interconnected ball.

Low-FODMAP was recommended to me by my GP, but you can look it up online easy enough to see what it involves. I no longer stick to it completely as my anxiety and consequently symptoms have decreased for the most part, but it certainly helped cure some of my bloating and discomfort in the early stages of trying it. Once my symptoms were less persistent, it was easier to calm my anxious thoughts, so it's worth a go...

23-03-15, 21:48
I've been experiencing this in the last three weeks along with a cough and phlegm after I eat. The doctor said it is definitely acid.

You might have to check your acid levels too because they can cause gas pain and soft stool (too much acid softens the stool according to my doctor). :s

23-03-15, 22:02
Have you thought that anxiety could be the cause?

24-03-15, 06:02
Absolutely it is more than likely stress, but stress can cause disease and ice been stressed my whole life!!!!