View Full Version : Foods which reduce anxiety and depression

23-03-15, 08:12
I have heard dark chocolate, turkey and whole grains are good for depression and reducing salt and sugar is good to lower anxiety.

We are what we eat- so I just wondered if anyone else has discovered anything that helps.


---------- Post added at 08:12 ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 ----------

Also avoiding caffeine, alcohol, illicit drugs etc is good


23-03-15, 09:41
Food in general acts as a mood-booster for a lot of people (including myself). However, using food to boost mood in this way can be a barrier to maintaining a healthy weight. Nevertheless, I will champion dark chocolate, since most people only eat small quantities.

23-03-15, 10:04
Has anyone tried cacao then? I've not but its got far more antioxidants in it which are normally distroyed in the heating process. I'm wondering whether that would help?

Probiotics are another one. I eat probiotic yogurts but I want to start making my own as I'm reading more & more about the gut-to-brain connection and serontonin is mostly in the gut afterall.

27-03-15, 02:38
On the subject of food. If you look up seratonin you will find that it can not cross the blood brain barrier but is made from Tryptophan which can. Consuming high Tryptophan foods will not get you more Seratonin or Melatonin which is made from Seratonin unless it is consumed right. First it has to get to your brain and it competes with the other seven essential Amino acids. Each one has a carrier to get it into the brain. Here it gets complicated. Tryptophan has a different carrier. Consuming carbohydrates with amino acids causes an insulin spike that strips the carrier off all the amino acids but Tryptophan leaving it free to enter the brain without competition. Milk which has lactose is a good source of Tryptophan and heating it releases even more which is why warm milk at night helps you sleep. It isn't hard to do this and better than SSRIs which only prevent loss, they don't build Seratonin. Why not try it and see if you feel better.

95% of seratonin is stored and used in the body. Only 5% is used in the brain and yes it is made in the gut. It is important in blood clotting and in getting information to and from every muscle and gland in your body. I figure that dragged out can't think or act feeling that comes from depression could be low Seratonin. Unfortunately the Seratonin made in your body can not cross the blood brain barrier and vice versa.

27-03-15, 07:43
That takes me back to gut health Davit. A lot of what we eat is never even digested if we have been living on a lot of processed foods. I think this could play quite a part in the lack of serotonin because how can we make it if we don't even obtain the raw ingredients?

Its interesting that more studies are finding that gut bacteria play a part in influencing brain chemistry.

You make a good point about SSRI's too. They only allow whats there to stay there longer, they don't create any.

05-04-15, 08:51
I drink chamomile tea and take spirulina tablets- they're very high in antioxidants and tryptophan without being fattening or potentially unhealthy like turkey.

I presume you could eat spirulina too if you wanted to but as the tablets smell horrible I've never tried. Haha.

20-04-15, 07:40
I have had GAD for 2 years now. Nothing seemed to help. I was imprisoned in my own mind and felt hopeless for a long time. 3 months ago I began to see a naturopath who put me on a 90 percent raw vegan diet. Im allowed salmon and eggs only. No dairy. No processed sugars. Raw honey only. No caffeine. No coffee. No grains. My anxiety levels have significantly reduced and my life is getting better all of the time. I no longer feel a constant fear. This has changed my life for the better. While it hasn't been easy, and I can imagine that many of you think ...there's NO WAY I can do that! Hahah trust me, its way easier than dealing with severe anxiety... im telling you, its worth it. I have learned to make all sorts of wonderful foods and treats that are all healthy :) raw cocoa is a wonderful antioxident and if u add it with coconut oil and raw honey you have a very healthy delectable snack. I see some of you are talking about detoxification..i suggest you look into coffee enemas which are the most powerful detox tool there is. I also do those daily and swear by them. It may also very much benefit you to find a naturopath in your area to help you along your journey. Wishing you luck on finding peace. Good luck to you all.

22-04-15, 18:42
I have helped myself massively by changing my diet. Not drastic but i limit myself to a bottle of Coke once per month, some form of chocolate/confectionery once a week(gotta treat yourself!) and the rest is all fruit, veggies, whole grains etc. I do not eat as much white bread anymore. But the biggest thing ive done is to buy one of those Nutri Bullets and i have a daily smoothie of spinach,kale and some fruit(to take away the bitter taste). After all the reading ive done and research it really really is so true that eating what we are biologically designed to eat(plants mainly!) has a massive effect on your mood. If your healthy in your gut then your mind gets a massive boost too. Think when your feeling really depressed how your stomach reacts. Its a two way thing. It amazes me that doctors dont encourage this even more along with exercise...but from my experience most doctors know only the very basics of nutrition. I guess thats why we have nutritionists!

Eat healthy people!

22-04-15, 20:26
AnxiousBaker, completely agree. When i changed my diet it changed my life, my anxiety and stress levels dropped dramatically, plus i felt so much more motivated and energized. You're body requires these nutrients.
Yes when ever i mentioned nutrition to my GP she looked at me like i was talking in riddles :blush:

22-04-15, 21:54
There are a lot of foods with Tryptophan in them. Because it is one of the essential amino acids it is associated with animal products.

My point though is that you still have to get it to your brain before it can be converted to seratonin in your brain. The seratonin it converts to in your gut can not cross the blood brain barrier. Eat enough tryptophan and the chances are that some of it will be with the necessary carbohydrate to get it there. The carbohydrate is not the carrier, Tryptophan has a different carrier than the other seven essential amino acids.A carbohydrate causes an insulin spike to rob all the carriers except tryptophan's so it doesn't have competition getting to the brain. if sugar makes you sleepy it is probably tryptophan getting to your brain instead. Keep your carbohydrates complex to slow this down. Caffeine is a carrier, like vitamin C. They can pass through the gut lining and take things with them. Caffeine takes sugar and medications. Vitamin C takes analgesic's. Tylenol works better with Vitamin C.

if you keep increasing your SSRI or if you keep switching it, it probably isn't that they aren't working, it probably is that there isn't enough seratonin to work on.

How we eat is just as important as what we eat, possibly more so.

On a lighter side, I wish my mirrors would quit distorting my body and my washing machine quit shrinking my cloths.

23-04-15, 07:04
I drink chamomile tea and take spirulina tablets- they're very high in antioxidants and tryptophan without being fattening or potentially unhealthy like turkey.

I presume you could eat spirulina too if you wanted to but as the tablets smell horrible I've never tried. Haha.

You can get spirulina in powders or in some protein powder supplements I believe.

What was it like going on it? I've heard you have to taper up on it as it can bring some effects similiar to detox.

07-05-15, 12:56
Thanks guys for this discussion...

15-05-15, 08:42
You have to find a fine line. I am a comfort eater and at the height of my anxiety i was 17 stone.

Now thankfully im in a better place and at a heather 13.1 stone.

Dont over do caffeine also. It heightens your senses etc

21-07-15, 17:42
I am suffering with lack of eating ,!prob only one meal a day in the evening , I drink fat to much coffee and smoke far to many cigs , I am taking citalipram 40 mg And 100 mg of quietapine for anxiety , the last 3 weeks have been hell and just can't function , need to do something about my eating and need your help guys , just feel tired all the time

22-07-15, 01:31
Great thread, guys, thankful to be learning more towards building serotonin and otherwise improving mood. :D

Thanks for all the wisdom, I am especially glad to find out that spirulina is a high source of tryptophan, because indeed it is included in a new fermented protein blend I am trying. I think I am beginning to understand why the girl at the health food store says she puts it on her oatmeal ... Complex carbohydrate, right? Am thinking that the addition of pumpkin seeds would help as well, being another good source of tryptophan. Maybe a bit of complex-carb fruit like chopped apple or prunes ... I usually top my oats with almond milk, but it is full of other stuff I don't need and am trying a new digestive enzyme that may allow a return to dairy milk. Only skim is considered a complex carb for some reason (?) and I can't abide it. :P Suggestions? I am really interested in best facilitating the transport of those resulting serotonin molecules into the brain without competition! :yesyes:

Tristan, smoking is a real appetite killer; you may be interested to know that bupropion (aka Zyban) is an antidepressant that is successfully used for smoking cessation. Not hugely longterm, but it is normally prescribed for that use over the several weeks required. You should defo feel less tired too. It made me feel as though I had been shot out of a cannon, lol! If you prefer not to go that route then at least do be aware that the caffeine and cigarettes are both primary fuels for your anxiety AND appetite suppression. You want help with your eating, get help against smoking. And caffeine reduction. Good luck.


---------- Post added at 17:31 ---------- Previous post was at 14:29 ----------

Look what else I found, guys! Top 20 Foods highest in tryptophan. (Safe links).


And now for some complex carbohydrates to facilitate serotonin transference from tryptophan, into the brain ... See below ...

(I was excited to find this link to the "best complex carbohydrates" to eat, also because of the delicious-sounding recipes, which even cater to food intolerances!!

I myself will be adding wild-caught fish, and eggs, because I eat these for their brain benefits, but these would work for any sort of diet, including vegan.)


11-08-15, 12:53

Yes, Dark chocolate helps you to reduce the stress.
Eat more food which contain nutrients like vitamin B.