View Full Version : Lump in throat feeling???

23-03-15, 14:11
Hi all,

I had a bad few weeks of being able to feel my glands (from the inside) and it was really upsetting me. My Doctor as ordered a blood test because I have had glands up down my neck since Xmas, but no Dr seemed too concerned. (Saw 3)

I am prone to anxiety and when I spoke to my brother who said he had the same thing when he had glandular fever the feeling disappeared! Great! Except 2 days later I woke up with the feeling that I was slightly gagging like my uvula (the dangly hanging bit) was swollen and on closer inspection it did look like it was, but then I started feeling like I had a lump at the bottom of my throat like something was there and it felt slightly numb and again making me feel like I can't get a clear breath.

I have been doing meditation and I am aware that my mind is highly capable of creating things (and even as I write this it seems crazy) but this feeling wont go - like I have a tight scarf in a knot there and I keep worrying there is something there.

Anyone else had this?

23-03-15, 14:46
hi, pinkdante! i am sure what you are experiencing can be a symptom of anxiety. i believe i read that in claire weeks's book, hope, help, and healing for your nerves. if you have been checked out by three docs and they didn't find anything, it must be the anxiety. have you considered medication for the anxiety? it can help trememdously. if you are constantly worried about something it can definitely affect your breathing. perhaps you should get your throat, lungs, and heart checked out thoroughly and if all is clear and your mind is still not at ease you might consider being treated for anxiety. talking to a counselor is a great place to start. my counselor actually recommended i see a medical doctor to get checked out completely. i am so glad i followed her advice. i found out my blood was very low in vitamin d. i am now taking vitamin d and 20 mg of fluox and i started feeling so much better that i have made other positive life changes, such as planting my first vegetable garden with my hubby and kids! :D there is so much help out there. you don't have to continue to suffer. :hugs: