View Full Version : doctors yet again tommorow

23-03-15, 17:58
Hi All

Got something weird going on with my chest, Feels like someones wrapped a strap around me and tightened it, pressure it feels like.

Had this for a few days, also if i have to walk a distance i have to stop to catch my breath and come over all dizzy.

Considering I normally cycle this is worriying me.

Something odd going on with my throat too, not really sore just not right, can be either side, down my neck and my ear is playing up abit.

A few weeks ago i had a funny taste in my mouth for ages and i couldnt work this out, This is now gone.

I have been doctors twice about my mouth, as my tongue hurts, The only way I can describe it was if you drank a really hot drink and burnt yourself.
Thats improved but the back of my mouth feels burnt.
Both doctors didnt make anything much of it.
One said lacking in vitamins as my tongue was a bit swollen on one side.

Im on day 8 of Imipramine, some days im ok some I feel awful.

somethings wrong
Surley my anxiety cannot be the blame for this, Also had blood tests for ankylosing that I have as I take humeria and they have all come back ok, and I know they test for alsorts.

Anyone ever had this?
Thanks and sorry for going on.

23-03-15, 18:52

I doubt there's anything really wrong with you, maybe you've just done something to your chest whilst cycling? I don't know though, let me know how you get on.

Toby :hugs:

California Girl
23-03-15, 20:55
Hi lee :) Obviously I am no doctor but the tight feeling round your chest can be anxiety related, I get this in my throat sometimes. Your mouth problems could be acid reflux? which can also cause strange feelings in your chest like a strangling feeling xxx

24-03-15, 16:37
Its acid reflux :yesyes:
Its because im eating more than normal because im on Imipramine and its possible its a side effect from these pills.
I am feeling better today after drinking half a bottle of gaviscon.:)

Now have something to take at nite until it settles, looks like why my mouth and throat have been sore for a while.