View Full Version : Finally moving house soon but so frightend

Dan Wales
23-03-15, 21:45
I am moving house soon and I am so frightend. I don't like change. I sever from server panic attacks all I want to do is sleep and cry.

blue moon
24-03-15, 11:51
Hi Dan,I am moving house soon and looking forward to it,change is good as holiday:D,maybe your move will keep you busy and keep your mind active so you do not have time to think.You will be fine.

Petra x:D

30-03-15, 09:47
Hi dan, I'm also moving house this weekend and I'm Absolutely dreading it. Have you moved yet? I first started the process of moving house last summer when I wasn't feeling quite as bad as I am now. I got the keys to the new house in December but I couldn't move straight in. The house looked so different to when I viewed it in the summer. It was cold, dark, very dark in fact there is no street light outside which I never noticed before. It's at the end of a street and slightly lower than the other houses. It makes me feel trapped. I've made the biggest mistake of my life and have been suffering awful panic attacks since December. ( I've had panic attacks for years before this, just got much worse since December). I've tried to stay in this house I'm in now as long as possible but this weekend is the longest I can stay. I feel safe here, I really don't want to move.

How does it make you feel?

Dan Wales
04-04-15, 19:39
It makes me feel nervous moving but I can't afford to stay in the house I am in now. I am panicking most days. I keep trying to think about the positives but it doesn't always work out that way.

05-04-15, 05:43
I hope both of you can get moved and be panic free during your move. Sometimes and most times a move is a good thing. It gives you a blank canvas to work with. Imagine the walls and where you will hang photos/pictures. Imagine smiling as you set up your new place. Imagine yourself being content and at peace while you hang photos and arrange your furniture. Imagine the positive changes you are taking on because you want to. Famous words from a friend that I live by. Instead of have to, want to.

Good luck to both of you. :hugs:

05-04-15, 06:58
PanicAttackGurl is right, it would go a lot better if you "want to" and stop thinking "have to" Want to is positive, have to is very negative. Want to even if you don't. It works.

06-04-15, 01:44
Thank you Davit. :hugs:

06-04-15, 04:58
I am moving house soon and I am so frightend. I don't like change. I sever from server panic attacks all I want to do is sleep and cry.
I moved house and it was the best thing I did
Having a job to go to each day is a big help too if you can do it

Dan Wales
09-04-15, 17:25
I should be moving soon I am so panicky.

Dan Wales
09-04-15, 19:54
Thank you Paul. I am in wrexham mate.

17-04-15, 19:12
Hi Dan,
I remember feeling panic and anxiety when I moved house nearly 2 years ago. I felt like I was leaving what had been my safe haven for 21 years, the only place I felt really safe during my most severe times of panic. But then when the day came I was surprised at how little anxiety I actually had! I cried over the fact I was leaving the home I grew up in but not because I had anxiety and panic. Then when we got to our new home we laughed about how much junk we'd still brought with us and how awful the decoration in the new house was and it was a memorable day for the family. Like the other posters have said, use this to your advantage to keep you busy and take your mind off things whilst remembering that moving house can be a nice little memory to look back on, a new positive step in your life

Dan Wales
23-07-15, 21:08
Hi everyone I have finally moved house, all the stress and panic about moving is over and done with. I want to say thank you to everyone who replied to my post about moving it helped me a lot.