View Full Version : A Way Foreward.

23-03-15, 22:48
Hello all,

Many on here will know me or may have read my various posts over the past 2 years, I am a sufferer of Health Anxiety probably related to Generalized Anxiety Disorder, with an obsessive personality.

I have worried about many things/diseases/symptoms, you name it I have had it, Testicular Cancer, Throat Cancer, Stomach Cancer, nvCJD, Bladder Cancer, Lymphoma Brain Tumour, Multiple Myeloma, MS, ALS, guess what? I have had all of those in the last 15 years and I am still sat here typing. Oh wait maybe I didn't have them at all?

So what on earth caused my symptoms then? In no particular order:

Stomach Pain/Lump
Testicle Pain/Firmness
Bladder Pain
Sore Throats/sore swallowing/lump in throat
Tripping over speech
Memory Issues
Night Sweats
Increased Sweating
Excessive Saliva
Pins and Needles
Burning Sensations
Kidney Pain
Sore Scalp
Sore Neck/traps

and many many more.

Anyway, I don't believe there is a cure, CBT never worked for myself on numerous attempts, various tablets were always a fail too, then around 1 month ago, I became friends with someone online, someone who I could talk to alot, suddenly I was distracted from my symptoms and looked foreward to having a laugh/flirt/whatever with someone who understood me well.

I began drawing doing my art work again after this, I go to the gym, I stopped going to my GP, I have been one time in the last month, and that was because I definately had an infection, easy spot, easy for him to spot too got antibiotics and aint been back since, I have 90% stopped googling, Only for information regarding the infection I had.

What I am saying is the key here is distraction, find something you enjoy doing, let it fill your thoughts, make your days busy, let your obsessive behaviour float onto something that is not self destructive. You may just realise after a few days/weeks that whatever symptoms/sensations had you so worked up and worried about X,Y or Z will have been ignored and disappared or will have greatly reduced.

I may fall back off the wagon again, who knows, but I intend to carry on as I am right now.

24-03-15, 10:24
So pleased to hear this and you're so right! Distraction was one of the keys for me too.

24-03-15, 21:42
Great post! I have been trying to distract myself which work for maybe ten minutes before my mind drift off to my health anxiety. I guess it's a one step at a time sort of thing.