View Full Version : Chronic Dizziness - Feel like I'm walking to the sides, Heavy eyes

Female healthanxiety
24-03-15, 13:50
I have my dizziness back - but this time it is disabling me - to the point I don't want to go to work, as every-single movement makes it worse. Plus the fact I have the drive to work does not help, as I also get the feeling of cars moving when there not....

I am sleeping for hours on end (I know this sounds like depression, but it's not) I have nothing on pin point; apart from how I am feeling, and believe me I have been through many bad times.

I really really don't know where to start with how I feel; so I think rather then babble in a paragraph, I will bullet:-

1) Felling drunk 24/7 (This would be OK if I was ;-))
2) When I walk I feel like I am being pulled to the, sometimes left and other times right
3) My eyes feel very heavy (as if I am drunk)
4) If I am standing and talking to someone; I feel like I need to sit down, as feel like I am going to drop
5) I get the feeling, sitting, standing, laying down, and is worse while walking
6) Feeling Lethargic all the time
7) Worse in shops, queus, bright lights
8) Blurry eyes
9) Need to be close to things when out so I can hold onto something

I try TRY try TRY to get on with things; but it is effecting all aspects of my life.

Today I have to go post office and I am dreading it - me standing in 1 spot for too long really gets me.

I was refered to the ENT 3 months ago and all was fine apart from something called Rhinitis, which I was told to take a nasal spray and anti histmaine a day.

As usual my DR gave me 5mg of Diazepan and told me to take 1/2 a day when I feel like that -- but this is not anxiety!

I know I am dizzy, as I was told to close my eyes and turn around and I had to hold on to something as it was terrible.

Please can anyone else out there relate??

24-03-15, 14:02
They all fit symptoms of high anxiety to me. I was barely coherent last September, didn't even feel like a person. Look up depersonalisation. x

Female healthanxiety
24-03-15, 14:09
Hello Wnsos,

Thank you for taking the time to reply, much appreciated!

Yes I am familiar with depersonalisation - have had this many times before, but mine is constant....?

I am glad to hear you are feeling better x

24-03-15, 16:53
sounds silly, you havent got a inner ear infection?

I had this many years ago and did not hurt the ear atall.

But i was abit like you. maybe worth checking.

Female healthanxiety
24-03-15, 17:22
Hello Lee,

I went ENT 3 months ago and nothing!!!

I know it sounds horrid to say I wish IT was, but that is how disabling and upsetting this is making me feel.

We take for granted doing simple things like walking, shopping, etc.

Feel like my head is heavy and light if that makes sense; tried many things, nurofen, meditation, walking slowly whole breathing properly, even wearing sun glasses. Feels like brain shifts.

24-03-15, 22:11
Sound exactly like my symptoms felt as though I was wearing someone else's glasses. Found out it was my Sternocleidomastoid muscle in my neck Google it (this should be safe to Google without making you more anxious) you might end up relieved I've felt tons better since finding out

Female healthanxiety
24-03-15, 22:34
Thanks for your reply.

How did you get rid of it.

I have had massages within the last couple of months with no effects 😔😔

25-03-15, 02:53
Hello Wnsos,

Thank you for taking the time to reply, much appreciated!

Yes I am familiar with depersonalisation - have had this many times before, but mine is constant....?

I am glad to hear you are feeling better x

Mine was constant for a few months. It only went away really the first few minutes after I woke up. Could be an ear thing as others mentioned though too.

Female healthanxiety
25-03-15, 13:23
Have already had my ears checked x

25-03-15, 13:27
I have been through this 3 times in 15 years.I have some better days and symptoms last around 6 months..Mainly they start late Autumn into April. I was told I have Perennial Rhinitis and also as said above , muscles in scm , trapezius were extremely tense, all contributing to the symptoms.

Gary A
25-03-15, 14:05
This sounds very much like hyperventilation syndrome. This can cause all of the above symptoms. When we think of hyperventilating we think of someone gasping for air and breathing heavily. That would be an example of acute hyperventilation, but this syndrome can also affect you chronically. This means that you could well be hyperventilating without you or anyone around noticing it.

Anxiety can bring on this symptom as when people are in an anxious state they breathe with short, shallow breaths. Basically you're breathing in too much air and not exhaling enough CO2. When this happens all kinds of symptoms can manifest themselves as your body struggles to find the balance.

A good way of confirming this is to intentionally hyperventilate. DO NOT do this if you have a respiratory condition. Sit in a chair and rapidly breathe in and out deeply for about 10 seconds. If you start to feel the same symptoms of dizziness, blurred vision etc then it's a good indication that you're suffering from chronic hyperventilation syndrome.

If this is the case, try the 4 4 4 breathing method. Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds, hold that breath for 4 seconds then exhale for 4 seconds through your mouth. Ensure that you hold your stomach and make sure that each inhale inflates your stomach area rather than your chest. Practice this regularly, it not only helps maintain your body's balance or air and CO2, but it retrains your brain on how to breathe properly.

Let me know if it does you any favours.

Female healthanxiety
25-03-15, 17:42
Thanks for taking the time to respond! Yes when I did have that trip to ENT they said my nose looked a bit funny and have me a nose spray and antihistamines. The only reason I was referred was because of my dizziness, but the consultant said it wouldn't cause dizziness, So for the past few weeks have been taking all of the above but it has not helped, so really don't think it's anything to do with that...... How did you eventually get over yours??

Hello GARY,

Thank you for your lengthy reply.

I went into work today but this feeling just won't go away its like its just the new me, When work said I had to go bank today I was petrified, as I have to drive there and it's very busy etc. Did it, walked fast, but again as usual walking to the side and feel like I'm gonna collapse. My eyes felt really heavy (almost how you feel when you cross your eyes) had a headache today as well. The whole day has KNACKARD me.

I going I'm breathing and can easily get into a state of meditation at night when I'm listening to the AP on my phone :-/

I 'just' tried the breathing fast in and out for 10 seconds (was awful!) yea dizziness was still there feel headrushy now and eyes don't like what I've just done.

Just feel like crap; everyday is a constant battle.

Gary A
25-03-15, 18:43
Ask your doctor about hyperventilation syndrome. A positive response to the rapid breathing test is quite a strong indicator that you may be suffering with this syndrome. Too many doctors just say "anxiety" without really explaining the science behind it. If you're constantly feeling this way I think this is what you may very well have, but consult your doctor for a definitive diagnosis.