View Full Version : echo test

anx mum
24-03-15, 13:52
For the past 3 weeks ive been getting horrid pains in the centre of my chest like a severe ache to burning now to a stabbing pain, along with this I have pains in my shoulder going down my arm. Do u think if I went to docs they would do an echo im convinced summat going on.

24-03-15, 17:43
wouldnt hurt to go get checked out hun i get this n the pain down my arm usually my left arm mines gastro though amazing what symptoms and pains you get from indegestion lol

anx mum
24-03-15, 21:00
Thanks for your reply gonna ask for a ct scan cant go on like this feel alone and really scared.

24-03-15, 21:03
:hugs: x

24-03-15, 21:30
Have you not had all these tests done already due to the same symptoms

It really does sound as though you and your GP need to get to grips with your HA.

Find the reasons behind the symptoms rather than trying to find a physical explanation for what is most likely an anxiety problem.

24-03-15, 21:57
Totally agree with Elen Bev....

I looked back and you have been having the chest pains on and off since you joined and each time you have gone into panic mode about it due to your HA.

I seem to think that each time the doctors haven't found anything wrong with your heart? I am pretty sure that if there was anything wrong with your heart then it would have been picked up after all these years.

When we say it is Anxiety, we are not saying the symptoms are not real and you are imagining them or that the pains you get are caused by anxiety... we are saying that you have an issue with anxiety towards your heart, which is why when you get the pains like you have been you then fear the worst and go into panic mode.

I think you need to work out if you want to carry on as you are or see if you can get the help for your pains and your health anxiety

anx mum
25-03-15, 13:40
Thank u both for your comments yes your right I have had chest pain on and off through the years. Guess I panicked as got constant pain in chest and shoulder. My doc has diagnosed me with tiezts symdrome which I don't know a lot about has anyone had this

25-03-15, 14:32
Thats interesting Bev and a much better diagnosis than a heart condition.

As the condition can be made worse the more you exert the muscles etc it might be worth asking your GP if anxiety could be enough to make this condition chronic for you as it has been going on for such a long time.

Keep us posted

anx mum
25-03-15, 21:06
really stressing got burning in my chest:weep: anyone had this

25-03-15, 21:26
heartburn? sip some milk or gaviscon hun

anx mum
25-03-15, 21:29
do u think so im really scared:weep:

25-03-15, 21:56
if its burning then yeah sounds like acid heartburn painful but not deadly =)

anx mum
25-03-15, 22:00
thanks hun