View Full Version : How can i cure my excessive blushing?

24-03-15, 18:25
I suffer quite bad from anxiety and excessive blushing and have done since I was a child, I'm now 29 and it's ruining my life! I am currently at college but really struggle to control this so try not to join in class conversations, I'm also going back to work soon and really don't want to turn red every 5 mins. What can I do?
I am on propranolol and pregabalin I've also tried CBT but did not work.
Any advice would be much appreciated

24-03-15, 18:50
Ive always found that anything Anxiety based usually feeds of refusal to accept .. 'Oh no Im going to panic if theres a long wait in that shop' For me, looking at worse case scenario and acceptance usually starves the anxiety and therefore the reaction. So for example, for me, worst case scenario of panicking in a shop would be having to leave the shop, then I would ask myself how much it really mattered in reality?

Once I learned to do that, I found that situational anxiety gradually declined to nothing, and eventually I stopped questioning whether it would happen.

Do you approach situations thinking 'what if I blush?' or telling yourself you cant blush? if so, maybe think a little around whats the worse that could happen? and how important it would be even if the worse did happen? Chances are the answer wont be to overwhelming, allowing you to say to yourself 'actually it doesnt matter if I blush' chances are, once you give yourself permission to blush, you wont ... the mind is a complex thing!!

24-03-15, 18:55
Thats very good advice from above! I would say the same thing. Plus jus breathe deeply and perhaps have something else ready for your mind to focus on should it occur? I have the same problem. It's awful. Whenever my lecturer speaks to me I blush, or just talking to the other sex sometimes...I find it worse around my period. Sometimes I get really preoccupied with it