View Full Version : Almost constant Heartburn and Acid relux

24-03-15, 21:35
Hello all I'm new and a life long sufferer of health anxiety. And right no I need talking of a ledge. My most recent issues is near constant heartburn and acid reflux which o course I am convinced are either stomach cancer or oesophageal cancer. It all started around July time at that point I was going to the doctors because despite having my gallbladder removed in 2009 I was still getting symptoms I believed it was pancreatic or liver cancer. I also told the doctor I was suffering frequent heartburn episodes so he put me on 30mg lasoprazole. I was lax in taking them and and was so focused on my other illness I never gave it much thought. After a ultrasound ruled out my pancreatic/liver cancer my relief was short lived. I noticed that missing the lasoprazole caused intense heartburn so I took religiously and felt great no heartburn whilst on it but stop and it was constant. Suddenly this year the NHS did a huge campaign on tv and ads saying heartburn or three or more weeks were signs of stomach oesophageal and alarm bells went off I went to the doctors or the 100th time and he looked concerned and said he would send me o a H'Pylori blood test failing that only option was an endoscopy. However the day of my blood test to my shock I discovered I was pregnant and in all the emotion forgot to attend. You can not take lasoprozol whilst pregnant so I stopped immediately. When I went to the doctors to reschedule my test and register as pregnant I was given a new doctor to see. He told me no test as pretty much everyone has that bacteria that my weight was the issue I am healthy but quite overweight and had put almost two stone on since quitting smoking 6 months earlier he said fruit yoghurt and milk was what I needed so away I went. That was just over a moth ago I'm now 9 and a bit weeks pregnant and have heartburn and reflux all day everyday I live off gaviscon and that only give me relief or an hour max. I'm in tears everyday thinking this is cancer I haven't been back to the doctors as they wont give me ppi's anymore and I can't have an endoscopy while pregnant. with all my past cancer anxieties the symptoms come and go but theses are 24hrs a day everyday. Everyone thinks attention seeking or exaggerating but they don't see me in tears everyday because I think I have a terminal illness. I just don't see how this can't be something serious. Everything I read points to cancer, I'm terrified I'll be one o those poor women in the paper who discover just after giving birth I only have a matter of months let. I really hope someone can talk me down I feel like I'm losing it.

25-03-15, 11:14
Well if it helps I have been suffering abit recently with acid reflux and chest pains. Every other day I get the tremors, got a sore mouth I can't get rid off.
I went doctors and they gave me something to take at nite.
Chest is so tight feels like someone is standing on it.
I think it's common for people to have issues with acid reflux and this sort of thing, I know my dad had one a while back and had a camera stuffed down his gullet as he was convinced it was something bad. He had a hiatus hernia. He's on tablets full time and he was Constantly having issues, couldn't even lie down to sleep. So you could have something like that, these adverts you here are a nitemare, I think the same, here that and think o I've had this for months. I know exact what you mean.
The more wound up you get about it you will make it worse, I find stress and upset sets mine off instantly. So you are going around in a circle I expect.