View Full Version : jealousy

24-03-15, 22:20
Does anyone else find themselves getting jealous when they see others living their lives and enjoying it. Meanwhile I'm trapped in a never ending cycle of worry and anxiety. I found myself getting upset with my fiance because it seems as if he is carrying on with life as usual and mines just stopped. I know it's dumb and no one else's fault but I can't help longing to be like the person I once was. It's just so sad

Female healthanxiety
24-03-15, 23:11
No I hear you! It is like resentment in a way.

Not that we wish others to be like us but seeing others leading normal lives really makes us think of how much we are in our own bubble.

I was in my car today, feeling dizzy as usual, and was looking at others walking, and thought we take for granted doing normal things.

But on the other hand when I was free of HA I was one of them!


24-03-15, 23:51
I know how it feels.

I know people who get sick and go to the doctor and after they are being told that nothing is major going on with them, they simply go on with their lives.

I envy that kind of thinking. I used to be like that and I don't know what happened.

25-03-15, 09:01
I can totally relate. It makes me feel wistful and sad/hopeless when I see people being care-free and happy. I dont resent them, but to me it highlights how bad things are in my head :(

25-03-15, 09:42
Yeah, I can say I've found myself asking "why me?" and llooking at other people and being a bit angry because they don't have to struggle just to make it through the most basic things we all take for granted.

I think its a natural thought though and just part of the process. Its not a view you hold or a belief in any way, its just thoughts born out of desperation.

25-03-15, 09:58
Yes I am the same. I envy people who have what I call normal lives.
If anyone asks me if we are going on holiday this year I shall scream!!!

25-03-15, 21:57
Definitely. I know it's weird, but I have BDD and cannot tie my hair up, it is so upsetting watching people walk past with their beautiful hairstyles haha, sounds silly.

California Girl
25-03-15, 22:10
Yes :) I wish I was one of those people that didn't worry so much

26-03-15, 14:32
I know how you feel. When I've been in a health anxiety panic I do that. But remember that we don't know what these seemingly happy normal people are feeling inside. We dont know what inner struggles they have. We are all suffering in our own ways.
Positive thoughts your way!

26-03-15, 15:01
I only hope that if there is life after death. I do not want to come back as myself again. A pet dog would be nice:shrug:

26-03-15, 17:16
Not really jealous as such, but yes I wish I was someone who was not so introspective.


26-03-15, 17:50
I don't get jealous of others, as I have no idea what's going on in their life. Who knows what happened to them earlier that day or the day before. Who knows if they're ill or just lost someone.

I do find myself angry with myself often, though. I feel like I didn't appreciate life as much as I should have when I used to just feel "okay", before my health anxiety became debilitating. I wish I could go back to just being "okay". It's hard to believe there was a time where I could just sit back, watch a movie, and relax.