View Full Version : Meditation and controlled breathing for panic/anxiety

Amanda K
24-03-15, 23:15
I am so glad i have found this site. I now know I am not alone...

I have suffered from panic attacks/anxiety since I was 18 years old.... I am 44 now. I went through a lot of years whereby I didnt have one. But these past 2 years of my life I have been taken prisoner by them. The last time I had one which was a night attack it was so bad I had to call a paramedic. After they left me feeling silly for wasting their time I decided that I would not let them control my life anymore.... I took up meditation and breathing exercises and doing this I have taken control... I have managed to stop myself having them. I know panic attacks can not harm you...they wont kill you. If you have panic attacks regularly recognise the warning signs... stop what you are doing... try and relax....tell yourself it wont hurt you....its just a panic attack.. you are in control..breath deep gently in through your nose and blow out... until you feel your stomach open up... once you get that feeling you have won the battle. Its amazing because eventually. You will get so good at it you wont panic any more. Just give it a go... I am free of it.. your body, you mind...are yours your in control x

Dan Wales
26-03-15, 21:04
Thank you for the tip next time I panic I will try it.