View Full Version : Red palms should I be worried?

25-03-15, 03:53
I tried looking this up online, but all I can find is how this can be related to cirrhios of the liver. I workout regularly and I noticed my habds will turn red after gripping weights at the gym. However tonight after a shower I noticed them again and figured bo big deal I just got out the shower. I have a fair complexion so my skin turning red after a shower is normal for me. However, my palms have remained red since the shower so I've been really worried. I also should not I do wash my hands a lot (sometimes like 10 times daily) but I couldn't find anything on Google if that or weight lifting could be the cause. I also apply lotion daily.

25-03-15, 17:49

26-03-15, 12:15

Gary A
26-03-15, 12:59
Could be an allergic reaction or even just irritation from washing your hands so often. See a doctor if you're worried, but in all honesty I think you're googling is hurting you more than any red hands. Google will always throw up the worst, just don't do it.