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View Full Version : GERD and frequent urination

25-03-15, 07:09
I was diagnosed with GERD and mild peptic ulcer about 2 months back. I took the medications prescribed to me (Controloc and Ganaton) diligently for 6 weeks and the symptoms seem to be under control. That was until I had a case of stomach cramps and diarrhea which I think most probably food poisoning or something last Tuesday. Since then I have been having soft stool and mild stomach pain. This morning however I have this sudden urge to urinate so often. I had to stay in the toilet because of the urge. No burning pain though. Then my HA kicks in big time. I started to consult Dr Google and diagnosed myself with all types of C and kidney failure. I finally dragged myself to see my doctor. I am now outside in the waiting room with cold sweaty hands and feet, heart beating like it can almost jump out. Do you know that heavy constricting feeling you get that is choking you till you feel you cant breathe. I am scared **** at the moment. I feel like crying but I just cant. Waiting is an agony...!

31-05-15, 14:56
how did u get on

04-06-15, 10:28
Thank you for asking..😄. My frequent urination was due to urinary tract infection. Did urine test to confirm it. I was prescribed ciprobay and thank god the infection was cleared. And my tummy issues seem to have settled down. After strict watching of my diet, and religiously taking manuka honey and probiotic, the bm is back to normal. I will still get occassional heartburn though if I drank coffee or ate spicy stuff. The HA part whilst not completely gone, it is not as bad as before. This board helps me a lot...

26-06-15, 13:38
Thats great x