View Full Version : Anyone to talk to?

25-03-15, 09:22
This is not really health anxiety related..although I am worried about my mental health. But in my experience this forum gets the most answers.

So yeah, i've been worried about the possibility of me being schitzophrenic. But I think my symptoms have changes a bit (okay I still cant sleep at night and fear hearing voices). But now I seem to be so sad all the time and antisocial. I even cry a lot which is weird for me. Im I depressed or going insane..? Or could this all be due to sleep deprivation? Sorry, I just want to talk to someone I hope this makes sense

25-03-15, 09:57
If it helps you to feel any better, on the days I suffer from insomnia tend to start feeling like I'm seeing things or hearing things but it's always from lack of sleep. My friend on the other hand has schizophrenia and she suffers from visual hallucinations most of the time. During high anxiety or one of the episodes she was at the grocery store and said while she was in line she saw a woman come in that was on fire, of course she new this was a hallucination and was able to manage. When she has voices it's always many at one time sounding different for each voice, this is rare she has these episodes. Her case isn't a severe one so she can still do daily things with a mild medication. I'm sure what you are suffering from is just lack of sleep. As I said befor e it happens to me a lot. Its actually been going on the last couple of days. You're definitely not alone on this one.

29-03-15, 00:32
Worrier, this does not sound at all like schizophrenia to me. It sounds like depression and anxiety are the issues you are dealing with. You are not going insane. You are stressed, anxious, and feeling upset. Have you seen a doctor to discuss how you're coping at the moment?

30-03-15, 13:13
I did go to the mental health institution on friday and got and oppoinment this week. But it is some nurse who will just talk to me about stuff. I guess that's a start but it makes me sad I must have a a lot of money to see a real psychologist..

30-03-15, 13:18
If you think you're going crazy, you're not. Simply put, a person who is truly psychotic doesn't realize it.

I've actually come to the conclusion that we're all crazy, just in varying degrees. When we come across someone equally as crazy they seen normal to us ;)

Positive thoughts