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View Full Version : Anxiety causing toothache??

25-03-15, 09:35
I've been under a lot of anxiety for the past two months and today (well yesterday evening) I finally had a breakdown. Now it's 5:30 in the morning and I've woken to a small pain in my side,that I'm associating with my period, & a strange throbbing pain in my bottom tooth. It doesn't hurt so much that I'm crying in pain but it's about a 2-3 on scale of 10 and just enough to be annoying. I brushed and swished in cold water but that didn't make it hurt anymore or any less. I went to the dentist this past October and they said everything looked great. I have a little stain on it but it's the same stain that's been there the last year (even when they told me it's fine) so when I see it I still kinda freak out. I even tried flossing but it feels like my nerve ending or something. Could this be anxiety rather than a cavity. I try to think about other thing a but the more I think about my tooth the frequent it is and more annoying. Like I said it's not a constant hurt not does it hurt when I drink something cold. Anyone else have any of these problems?