View Full Version : Staying in this flat is making my anxiety worse

25-03-15, 11:00
I have lived with my boyfriend in our flat for the last 4 years and I love my flat but hate the area. We stay in a rough part of town. I've had panic disorder and agoraphobia for 3 years now and its been made worse lately be staying here. We live in a block of flats and downstairs we don't have a buzzer door, its just an ordinary wooden door so anyone can walk in. They often do and cause trouble especially during the night. We've had people come in and kick people's doors, kick the railings, screech and shout (you know how a small noise echoes in a close so imagine who loud a loud noise is! :( ) this usually tends to happen around 3/4am. We call the cops when it happens and I report to the council but it just keeps happening. They usually leave before the cops arrive and the council have said they wont a buzzer door in downstairs, we've just to keep reporting it to the cops. The funny this is, the police station is just across the road from us but they take ages coming here but when I lived in a good area, which was about 3 miles from the station, they always got there in a flash.

My flat used to be my safe place but tbh, its not anymore. I don't sleep at night for fear of someone being in the close and starting trouble. I have my door locked every night but I've seen my next door neighbours door get totally kicked in despite that being locked. Don't know how the hell the trouble makers managed it but they did. The noise also scares my cats too. Sometimes we can go a month or so without any trouble but it shouldn't be happening at all. Its making me depressed. I don't want to live in my flat but I don't want to leave either as I am scared something may happen when I am out. Your home is the one place you should feel safe.

I've told my GP and my private counsellor and they have been willing to write me evidence to give to the council to support moving but we all know how long waiting lists are for council houses and anxiety is nothing compared to some of the medical conditions some people on the waiting list will have. I'm just at the end of my tether and don't really know what else I can do.

25-03-15, 11:52
What reason have the council given you for not fitting a door with a buzzer?

As far as I can see they have an obligation to maintain the security of the building for everyone that lives there. If they are not doing that then surely they are failing as an authority. Apart from anything else, a secure door is not going to cost an awful amount of money to install in the great scheme of things, especially if it is offset against the cost of antisocial behaviour and criminal damage.

Is there a local councillor that you could speak to face to face? Better still is there a neighbourhood policing scheme in your area? That would pretty much allow all the people that can get something done into one room to discuss it.

25-03-15, 11:56
They said that the building isn't sutiable for a buzzer. Whether that is a lot of crap, I don't know. The front door downstairs handle has been broken off so you have to twist the wire to open it or just leave the door wide open with a door stop meaning anyone can walk in.

There probably is a local MP I can contact as my papa had to get one involved when he had trouble with bad neighbours and he got moved to a better area. I don't know if there's a neighbourhood policing scheme in my area, I highly doubt it tbh.

25-03-15, 12:12
It will be worth a try. Perhaps you could even contact your local newspaper.

The council are being negligent here as far as I can see, especially if the door is actually broken.

25-03-15, 12:15
Its making my panic attacks worse and making me scared to leave the house which is ironic as I am scared to stay in the house. I'm scared to leave in case anyone breaks in or my cats get scared.

Its only midday and there's already been shouting and banging in the close. I don't just mean every day noise, I mean people shouting and fighting.

25-03-15, 12:22
Hi Ginger fish go to your local MPs and kick up a fuss,there is an election coming up and they need votes.I had a terrible problem with noisy neighbours and my MP eventually sorted it out,you shouldnt have to live in fear on a daily basis its not acceptable and the council should sort it out for you.
good luck

25-03-15, 13:41
Hi. I greatly sympathise with you as I was in exactly the situation you have described several years ago. I found the only solution was to move as soon as possible. I quickly managed to get a deposit together and moved to a house with a private landlord in a completely different area. I complained to the council and the police and they simply werent interested. Also contacting your Mp or anyone that takes action that affects these people is likely to make it worse. I tried all of this and the police told the thugs who had made the complaint and all hell broke loose. Whatever you do, do not confront them or let them know they are affecting you, this usually makes them focus more on you and not just the block of flats. Please,please do consider moving to a private landlord flat/house as soon as possible. My heart goes out to you, i send you my best wishes and the best of luck :hugs: Please fell free to pm me if you need to chat.

25-03-15, 14:03
No-one is suggesting that anyone takes issue with the people causing the trouble (although that is also what the police are there for) only that the council provides a secure entrance (which is obliged to do) that keeps the troublemakers out and the residents safe.

25-03-15, 14:15
The trouble with that is and probably the council know this fine and this is perhaps why they are holding back from doing it, the trouble makers just kick the door and the lock is soon broken off so back to square one, so its not really the councils fault either, these people seem to get off with it too in a lot of cases.

25-03-15, 14:31
If people are vandalising the door or any part of the flats the police should be contacted and let them sort it out.The police wont give your details out so it shouldnt have any repercussions.

25-03-15, 17:36
Hi, please dont feel you cant contact the police,council or your mp etc based on what i posted. I was only relating my experiences which could simply have been an isolated case. I really hope you can find the right solution for this. I must confess I found your post very triggering and I may not have given you the best advice. It really is hard to know what to suggest.please keep yourself well through all of this.x

Bubbly B
25-03-15, 18:32
No-one is suggesting that anyone takes issue with the people causing the trouble (although that is also what the police are there for) only that the council provides a secure entrance (which is obliged to do) that keeps the troublemakers out and the residents safe.
If you are in a awful situation then you take the help and move , the Police dont always get involved so you have to help yourself by making sure you get the help from he council and know you will be in a safe place , sometimes you just have to be brave and once in a new home you can relax and feel safe,
I dont think things will change where you are any time soon and why have a lifetime of fear that is not fair for you ,
Best Wish to your future , I only wish I could help you more.

25-03-15, 18:53
Hi. I greatly sympathise with you as I was in exactly the situation you have described several years ago. I found the only solution was to move as soon as possible. I quickly managed to get a deposit together and moved to a house with a private landlord in a completely different area. I complained to the council and the police and they simply werent interested. Also contacting your Mp or anyone that takes action that affects these people is likely to make it worse. I tried all of this and the police told the thugs who had made the complaint and all hell broke loose. Whatever you do, do not confront them or let them know they are affecting you, this usually makes them focus more on you and not just the block of flats. Please,please do consider moving to a private landlord flat/house as soon as possible. My heart goes out to you, i send you my best wishes and the best of luck :hugs: Please fell free to pm me if you need to chat.
Sorry to hear you have been through a similar situation. Its awful not feeling safe where you live.
I don't know if I could afford a private let. I get housing benefit but only about £20 off the usual rent price as they class my bf's student loan as high income even though he only gets £400 odd a month. We can usually just only afford the rent we pay for our current flat.

Yeah I wouldn't ever confront the trouble makers. I just make sure my door is locked and call the cops if I have to and the council the next day but it feels absolutely useless. Every time I tell the council I feel like they are just like "is that all they done? pfft that's nothing".

---------- Post added at 18:53 ---------- Previous post was at 18:48 ----------

I've been on panic mode all day today because my bf was at college and I was in the house myself and more trouble kicked off outside. Its really getting to me. He suggested we get a steel door as our front door but I doubt the council would allow us to use that as a front door. they would probably pull some health and safety crap. Says a lot though when you have to even consider getting a door like that just to feel safe.

26-03-15, 09:44
call your local police station and ask to see the local beat officer,they will come out to you and give advice on what to do
dont let these morons beat you

28-03-15, 19:30
Thanks for your advice everyone. Things have been quiet the last few days but I have all my evidence handed into the council along with the application form so here's hoping I might hear something back soon.

Now that its night time, I'm pretty much in panic mode. I'm playing games, watching movies etc to try and distract myself but that only helps so much.