View Full Version : Requested second MRI after they found enlarged pineal gland

25-03-15, 16:07
Hi everyone sorry in advance for long post....

I posted on here a while ago about having an MRI scan done on my brain due to visual problems (jumpy eyes not able to focus and a pulsing sensation in my head) and dizziness and head pressure with some episodes of vertigo.

I have had HA for a long time now and understand that my symptoms could be related to anxiety- but my doc sent me for a scan all the same.
The results came back that I had an enlarged Pineal gland but my GP said it was of no significance and not to worry. Since then I've had appointments with the opthomologist and optometrist etc etc....they pretty much discharged me and said they wouldn't need to see my anymore.

A couple if weeks later (this weekend) I received a letter saying that the eye consultant had reviewed my mri results with the radiologist and although the enlarged pineal gland was thought to be of no significance at the time, he thinks it would be sensible to repeat the scan in around 9 months time to see if there has been any changes.

As you can imagine my mind went into overdrive and I can't find any cases on here of these kind of findings, obviously I googled and anything to do with an enlarged pineal gland comes back with tumour, I find it hard to believe that the symptoms I'm having (visual disturbances and memory loss) and the fact I have an enlarged gland are a coincidence.

I am also terrified because before this letter came my friends and partner were joking on about how bad my memory has become- I literally stop mid sentence to try and remember a word- this has never happened to me before.

Can anyone offer any support or thoughts or similar experiences? I'm really worried and feel like the next 9 months are going to be very hard.

Hoping so done can help
Pea-k x

---------- Post added at 16:07 ---------- Previous post was at 12:39 ----------

Can anyone help at all?

Thank you x

28-03-15, 21:17
Anyone able to relate? X

28-03-15, 22:35
I cannot relate to your particular problem but I have had a brain tumour and consequently have met others with a brain tumour. In my case they did monitor me annually with an MRI scan and ultimately I received radiotherapy. I have another friend who is monitored annually and whose tumour has not grown in seven years so I guess everyone is different. If it was me I would ask the consultant what made him change his mind and believe now that you need another scan in 9 months. I think I would also mention to him that my memory was getting worse and see if he can offer any suggestions.

29-03-15, 21:50
Hi frankie,

Thanks for your thoughts. Is your tumour gone now? Was it benign?

I'm just trying to tell myself it might be nothing, could just be I have a large gland...

My doc says that he's never seen a malignant pineal
Tumour in his whole time as a practicing doctor and that they are very rare, but I guess if you're an anxious person that only reassures you for so long!

What were your initial symptoms? Did they know it was a tumour from the first scan?

Thanks x

30-03-15, 05:29
Hope you was able to calm down ,I can't relate sorry I have had mri and ct scan done but all clear but I can say is that health anxiety can make things seem so worse than what they are and can have your mind thinking all kinds of scary stuff ,just relax well easier said than done I know ,but you will notice if you can calm that most of what you are feeling will go away ,good luck

30-03-15, 17:59
Hi Jessica, thanks for your post. I feel much calmer and I know that panic can manifest in all sorts of physical symptoms.

I just have to hope that my test in August comes back normal. It's just such s long time to wait!!

Why did u need your test?