View Full Version : Newbie with anxiety overload

25-03-15, 15:06
Hi I'm Rob, i'm new to the website. ill keep this brief so not to bore you all!...

Ive always had slight anxiety, always been a bit on edge and a bit uneasy around new places. But nothing to write home or get upset about.

Then 18 moths ago it all started to go south, I had a massive panic attack in November 2014, it came completely out of the blue, resulting in 6 weeks off work, and therapy once a week.

Now I find I cant get the anxious thoughts out of my mind, I get anxious about becoming anxious (if that makes sense?!). This tends to come when having a fear of being trapped (not like in a car or small space) but trapped, away from my comfort zone or local place of safety, its really hard to explain.
(I feel like im trapped in wide open spaces, the sky feels heavy and I feel so small)

I also have anxiety attacks around new places and unfamiliar locations (some worse than others, cities are the worst, the hustle and bustle) , I just crave my place of safety (my familiar surroundings).

Therapy (early stages) and tablets don't seem to be helping, I just want to be back to how I once was, but at present the light at the end of the tunnel seems to have been blown out!

25-03-15, 15:12
Hiya anxiousrob and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

25-03-15, 15:12

If you can find it on the internet there is something referred to by various names, panic triangle, thought triangle or in older literature emotion triangle. They are all pretty much the same and explain what is happening and what you can do about it. And it works. There is not really room to explain it here but I would if you can't find it.


25-03-15, 15:14
Hi, It makes total sense. I become anxious in worry about having another panic attack. Its anticipatory anxiety and is quiet common.

Look for the forum titled therapy and find the one titled CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It is very helpful.

25-03-15, 16:57
thanks, ill check out both suggestions