View Full Version : First day back at work panic attacks

25-03-15, 21:36
I've been off work for 4 weeks with panic attacks and anxiety. I had been feeling anxious since before Christmas and just got so fed up with the physical symptoms day in, day out. As a teacher it's hard because you can't just get up and go for a walk if you need to, or sit quietly and do breathing exercises.

Today was my first day back. I wanted to get back before the holidays as it would be so much harder after. School has been brilliant and I can do whatever I feel will help, so I did a part day today, and will try to do longer tomorrow.

During the day I felt minor waves of panic, which I can deal with as I know they will pass. Since I got home I've had them on and off all evening. Again, they are manageable, but I am aware of them and the fact that I have to do it all again tomorrow!

Anyone out there coping with anxiety and panic while teaching? Or recently been back to work successfully?
I'd love some reassurance.

Thank you

26-03-15, 09:45
I've been off work for 4 weeks with panic attacks and anxiety. I had been feeling anxious since before Christmas and just got so fed up with the physical symptoms day in, day out. As a teacher it's hard because you can't just get up and go for a walk if you need to, or sit quietly and do breathing exercises.

Today was my first day back. I wanted to get back before the holidays as it would be so much harder after. School has been brilliant and I can do whatever I feel will help, so I did a part day today, and will try to do longer tomorrow.

During the day I felt minor waves of panic, which I can deal with as I know they will pass. Since I got home I've had them on and off all evening. Again, they are manageable, but I am aware of them and the fact that I have to do it all again tomorrow!

Anyone out there coping with anxiety and panic while teaching? Or recently been back to work successfully?
I'd love some reassurance.

Thank you

This all will gone after you start praying and fasting, just pray to God and start to fast.

26-03-15, 09:48
I went back on a phased return after 6 weeks in a pysch unit,it wasnt easy but im now settled and almost back to normal after a year or so.One thing you dont want to do is expect to much from yourself,I only gave 60% effort when I went back and it worked fine for me

26-03-15, 21:57
Thank you Mr A. Although I was much more anxious about going in today I actually felt much better once I got there. I decided to be open about the reason for my absence and have had so much support. Now I know that if I'm having a bad day in the future I don't need to hide it as there are people who understand and who care.

To the previous poster - how on earth will fasting help!?

---------- Post added at 21:57 ---------- Previous post was at 21:56 ----------

You're right also Mr A not to put too much pressure on yourself. There's no way I could have been working at 100%, and I was fortunate that my boss did not expect this.

27-03-15, 12:22
Fasting and praying can force every demon to leave.
This condition is maked by demons.
Also if you can go to church after fasting to get Holy Communion.
After this you will be free from your condition.
maybe an exorcism and a pint of holy water would also help out here ?

---------- Post added at 12:22 ---------- Previous post was at 12:20 ----------

Thank you Mr A. Although I was much more anxious about going in today I actually felt much better once I got there. I decided to be open about the reason for my absence and have had so much support. Now I know that if I'm having a bad day in the future I don't need to hide it as there are people who understand and who care.

To the previous poster - how on earth will fasting help!?

---------- Post added at 21:57 ---------- Previous post was at 21:56 ----------

You're right also Mr A not to put too much pressure on yourself. There's no way I could have been working at 100%, and I was fortunate that my boss did not expect this.
well done going back the 1st day is always the hardest,just take one day at a time and dont expect to much from yourself

27-03-15, 18:42
Thank you Mr A. Have managed 3 days, building up the hours slowly. The hardest part was getting going on the second day, but actually it has been a lot better than I expected. I have found out that a lot of my colleagues have been through the same, so I can at least be completely myself around them. It's always worse if you feel you have to pretend there's nothing wrong.
Haven't managed to fast! (Still don't get that one) as wanting chocolate is a sign that my appetite is returning and I should be celebrating that!
Hope you've had a good day