View Full Version : HELP, CAN'T COPE!!!

18-01-07, 22:28
Does anyone else just feel as though they can't cope anymore? Feel like everything is just too much, too much going on and feel as though your body just can't deal with it, too much of a dream state. Someone at work today has been made to finish, i've never experienced that before and i got on well with her, feel sad. Got my 48 hour tape tomorrow and then take it off on Monday, then i've got a job interview then Neuro on 6th feb, just feel like it's all just too much but it needs to be done. How am i going to deal with this? Having ectopics which still scare me and when i sit, even on the loo, my mind is playing tricks even more with me. Please help.

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

18-01-07, 22:35
hi sweetie, ive felt the same 2, i worry that i will never feel normal again, but we will. we r all here 2 fight this 2gether, dont suffer alone. surround urself with the people who understand us the most, distract ur mind, keep busy, i know its hard but try and have fun, i know its easier said than done, i went out 2day wiv my sister and had a gud laff, i felt normal and alive and forgotton everyfin 4 a few hours xxxx hope u feel better soon


18-01-07, 22:39
I feel like this most days, if i actually have a day that i feel "normal" i feel that it isnt normal because normal for me is having 50+ ectopics a day, palpitations and lots of aniexty - especially about the ectopics as these scare the hell out of me.

Coping isnt easy and i havnt found a way of dealing with it and can see me having a breakdown before long. The fact that im only a 23 yr old male concerns me even more.


18-01-07, 22:40
This is so very hard!!!!

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

18-01-07, 22:42
im scared 2. im staying strong 4 myself, my family keep telling me 2 snap out of it, if only they understood xxx


18-01-07, 22:43
I know, if i wasn't such a wimp with everything i think this would be the end for me. Just too scared about everything now and can't see a way out. You can't understand what this horrible thing is like unless you've been there in some way can you?

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

18-01-07, 22:43
sean, they scare me 2, im 19 and think why cant things get better and everything be normal again. i get lots of these symptoms its amazing what are bodies do when were worried sweetie xxx


18-01-07, 22:45
i know angiebaby i was only told 4 days ago that i have anxiety and am trying 2 fight it, i admire those who are putting up wiv it 4 years, we will get there in the end sweet i promise xxx


18-01-07, 22:45
if i'm like this tonight, what the hell am i going to be like tomorrow when i go, totally hysterical i think, how am i going to walk in the hospital like that and not knowing where i am and my heart doing all sorts?

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

18-01-07, 22:48
take it easy, remember your breathing, tell yourself that ur going 2 be ok and go ahead with it, dont let anxiety win, tell yourself that u will be ok and that ur body is just dealing with the worrying thoughts of ur mind xxxxx


18-01-07, 22:48
I'm sorry i've gotta go, going have a shower out the way of my family and cry myself stupid. Speak to ya tomorrow, if i survive, ha

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

18-01-07, 22:54
u will, remeber wot i said, nite hun xx


19-01-07, 17:22
Well, i'm still alive, just, ha! I felt awful, got to the hospital and i was all of a shake and my heart was pounding really fast. Had to walk to the doors and felt that i would collapse or go mad. Only had to wait about 10 minutes until i went in and i managed, hubby was with me though. I sat on the couch and she was explaining and fixing it on and i started going funny, just like when i had the op, started all over again, so it is obvious to me that it is PTSD and it was worse because i was in the same sort of situation as i was then. Anyway i managed, don't know how, had unreality, funny feelings and sensations and heart was pounding and i was shaking, but i managed and i got back to the car. Got really upset with myself though because i'm so fed up of being so scared of everything like this and would love to go back to how i used to be, i know - wouldn't we all, lol, but here i sit, wired for sound as it were and terrified that it will show something really nasty and the results will be bad. Since it has been on i have had 5 ectopics so at least it will pick up the thing that i want it too, just hope everything is ok. Will have this on until sunday and have to take it back monday and then will have to wait 7 - 10 days until i get results. But don't know how i will get the results, letter, phone or have to go see the doc again, difficult for us to get there with work and stuff as it's at crewe. Thankyou for last night amy, much appreciated.

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

19-01-07, 17:53
hey sweetie glad u got there, ive been 2 the doctors 2 2day, i was only suspected as aving anxiety on monday nite at the hospital after my first attack so my own G.P. had 2 confirm it 2day, i was shaking in the waiting room, it felt like torture, ive always had a phobia of seein the doctor incase i hear bad news and normally end up crying, but 2day i held myself 2getha. i promise u that u will be fine. im here 4 ya anytime u wanna chat xxxxx


19-01-07, 18:17
Thanks hun. I do appreciate you letting me go on and on. It is a horrible feeling and mine has definatly got worse over the last year but now i'm just hoping that all my tests come back fine so that i can put this behind me and try and have some sort of life in the future. Hope you are feeling alright after your visit to your GP, where about do you come from if you don't mind me asking?

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

19-01-07, 19:27
no u can chat all of ur problems away 2 me i dont mind at all, im from near wolverhampton in the west midlands its called sedgley, wot about u xxx


19-01-07, 23:54
I'm in stoke-on-trent. Just wondered with you saying that you'd been to the hospital, wondered if it was our hospital, obviously it isn't, lol. Had a letter through by the way saying that my appointment on 6th Feb with the Neuro has been cancelled and i've got to ring to get another one. I'm gutted, i've booked that day off work and waited for it to come along, as you do, now i'll have to make another appointment and probably end up waiting another 3 months, not good enough is it. What happens if i have got something and it's growing and in another 3 months time, well you know the rest. Not on how they do that when you've been waiting and stuff.
This monitor is still going and the stickies are hurting and making me itch, sensitive skin, i'll probably break out in a rash by tomorrow. Lol. Just scared now of what it's picking up, had quite a few ectopics though while it's been on which i know is good in one way, but bad for when i find out the outcome.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

20-01-07, 01:16
no it was russells hall hospital in dudley. i went to the doctors 2day and he didnt listen 2 me, he was more interested in how many qualifications ive got and wen i start my nurse training, he said im fine. he didnt even let me finish explaining my symptoms. my mum has been telling me 2day that im fine 2 and need 2 shake out of it. i know that if i was fine tho i wudnt be feeling like this or having symptoms. ive been 2 work 2nite 4 the first time since monday afternnon before it all started. ive been fine- ish all day, ive been out shopping but on the way 2 work i started feeling dizzy and cudnt get my breath i had 2 keep snatching up 4 it and my heart felt like it was gonna jump out my chest. i work in a busy pub and it just felt strange, i felt like i was on another planet and kept going hot. my eye is pretty bad ive got pressure behind it and its hurting me. as the nite went on tho i started feeling a tiny bit better but my eye feels like its gonna fall out.
i promise u tho, the only thing that will grow inside u for 3 months is more anxiety lol, the hospitals r hopeless xxxxxxxx


20-01-07, 23:42
Hi everyone.

I had "another" echocardiogram about a week ago and im going for the results tuesday. im wondering how there going to turn out.

Had a load of ectopics and today as usual & just felt lousy all over. I find myself logging on to this site every night now and it does help being able to talk to people who are experiencing the same problems and symptoms because the people in my life although they try to help dont really understand what its like to experience what im experiencing.

I suppose its like the old saying goes - a problem shared is a problem halved.

I will keep you posted on the reulst of the echo - see if i can get the message across to my GP that it isnt just in my head. I honeslty get the feeling that my GP dreds it when he sees im on his appointment list as he knows what is coming!!!!

Take care guys and remember talking about the problem really does help.


21-01-07, 02:13
hi jinkus, you will be fine swetie, i know im logged on every nite as well. no one understands me like the people here do. i cant talk 2 my g.p. or my friends or family. u can chat 2 me anytime x


21-01-07, 11:37
Hi Jinkus, we are here for you and know exactly what it is like! I've still got my 48 hour tape on , was going to stop it today as that is the 48 hours, but i'm now too scared to take it off because then i know i will have loads, so i'm gonna leave it on until the morning or until the battery runs out, lol. I haven't had many ectopics since ive had this on, typical isn't it. Please let us know your results.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

21-01-07, 18:22
I'm scared of this 48 hour tape coming off now!!!! Just can't win can i. Gonna have a bath later, will have to take it off then and i bet you all that i will have loads then and the flippin monitor won't get them will it? Fed up now. LOL.

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

21-01-07, 20:37
Hi everyone,

thanks for the replys, not had a bad day today - see how the night goes.

Feel free to pm me.


21-01-07, 20:45
ok, hope all is well.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

22-01-07, 12:30
hi angie even though you dont have many ectopics when you have the monitor on it still picks up any abnormalities in your heart so dont worry you will be totally fine i used to feel like this too with ectopics but the past 3 weeks i have nearly been ectopic free i have had three sick kiddies with flu to look after they all got it at the same time so i havent been noticing my ectopics much so it just goes to show we can bring them on more when we think about them too much hope you feel better soon love julie x

22-01-07, 12:43
Yep, i remember 'normal' life of looking after my kids and thinking of NOTHING else but them. I hope those days will soon return!!!! Well the tape has gone back. I've had 1 ectopic since then, typical, just really frightened of getting the results now though. Still having some unreality and now i've got to prepare for an interview, still think i will be better if i change my job, maybe worth a try anyhow, then again i just don't know. Better the devil you know and also because i've been there for over 3 years, if i have to be off work at the moment it is fine because i get sick pay, i won't get that if i change jobs i know. Still gonna go to the interview, it could be really good and worth it. Although i don't know how i'm gonna manage it my stomach is already going berserk!!x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

22-01-07, 16:37
hey angie,
sorry you're feeling crappy. i know how you feel. i've been there several times. its lucky i'm so scared of dying too! if only it was that easy eh? i;m getting married in august and all i can worry about is just how bad i will feel then if this is how bad i feel now. ridiculous. you will ne ok. you have a trigger and a cause for your anxieties and a good therapist will help you come to terms with them. have you tried hypnotherapy?
big hugs


22-01-07, 19:32
Hi Koko, yep tried that and i was told that i couldn't be put under, tried 4 timesv - the programme was once a week for a month, cost me £150. Did no good at all. And i thought then that that was my last chance and was sort of banking on that really. Still, don't know until you try i suppose. Interview went very well anyway and i think they will offer me the job, although i don't want it as the pay is really, really low and i wounldn't be able to manage with that. Would be a drop of £2 an hour for me. Put myself through all that for nothing, did very well though, was ok until i came out and then the unreality kicked in big time. Have stuggled since then too all night and have had 5 ectopics, typical ain't it? LOL. I will keep looking for another job.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

23-01-07, 16:40
Been to work today and wasn't too bad at first but as the day has gone on, WOW the dizziness has come on again big time. Feel like if i move my head i'm gonna fall, standing up and turning round is impossible. Have to stand up and turn very slowly whilst holding on. If i just stand up i'm ok but it's the turning of the head that gets me. BP is fine, fed up again now, i've got to wait until march now to see the neuro's. Still waiting for my 48 hour tape, scared about that. Just really really dizzy and disorientated right now. Does anyone else go THIS dizzy, i know it could be my neck and back problems, but there must be something they can do for this, it makes my unreality worse!!x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

24-01-07, 10:44
I had a dream last night about my operation, although it was in a different place with different people, but it was definatly about the op. My husband thinks this is a good thing as it signifies my brain accepting the fact, what do you think?

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

24-01-07, 23:18
Have got the extreme dizzness again. Find it very difficult to walk at times, this really scares me and i check my BP and that is fine. I wish it would just go away for good.

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

25-01-07, 22:45
Got unreality a lot today, can others please advice me on ways to cope with this. Finding things really difficult at the moment. Really scared again. When i try to keep busy i now find that it is still there.

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

26-01-07, 09:36
heya. ive been getting more and more dizzy 2 just lately. u mite be doing things 2 try and distract urself but really u are still thinking and worrying, im exactly the same. even wen im at work and its really busy when im serving on the bar i try and distract myself with my orders, laughing wiv my customers etc but deep down im still thinking crap wats wrong wiv me so it takes longer 2 go away xxx


26-01-07, 17:42
Hi amy, i have had a bad day, but when i look back on the day i find it really difficult to remember any of it, did it really happen etc, etc?? I know this is a normal thing to happen when we are sufferering what we are but it still frightens the hell out of me. I was doing some letters and was just staring at the computer, didn't know what i was doing and then the printer started working and i didn't know why, then i realized that i must have pushed the print button, could not remember. Am i the only one who gets scared with this. The dizziness has been very very bad today, couldn't walk without walking into things, doors and stuff. This frightens me, just think that i'm gonna collapse, then i look so pale and ill and think this is it, i'm gonna just collapse and die. Got home and still felt the same then i have 3 big ectopics and just felt like crap. Just so fed up and sick and tired of all of this, i never used to be like this before.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

26-01-07, 20:17
Hi angiebaby,

Do you find yourself having lots of ectopics??? or just a few periodically?? For example i must have had about 50 - 80 ectopics today all throughout the day.


26-01-07, 20:58
The most i have had in one day was 25 i think. Still waiting for my results. Have you had any luck finding out about your effusion problem Jinkus?

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

27-01-07, 16:19
It's like a mixture of unreality, dissociation, disorientation, derealization, fear, sheer terror, feeling pathetic, to scared to move at all, panic without physical symptoms, confusion, the list could go on but it really frightens me and i just cannot describe it. Any ideas?

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

27-01-07, 21:55
Have had 15 ectopics today but inbetween i had that moment when my heart rate went fast for 4 beats and then back to normal and then ectopics again. This scared me and i went onto another web site that i'm another member of, i won't mention which one and the moderator was quite sharp with me and it has really upset me. Don't know why, i know i should take no notice but when you are over sensitized it is very hard and you do tend to take everything to heart. I can't help the way i feel. So really fed up and upset now.

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

27-01-07, 23:13
Hi Angiebaby,

I've been refered to a specialist for the effusion but am not looking forward to getting the results.

I will keep you posted


28-01-07, 12:06
Thanks Jinkus, i do hope everything will be ok. Have they told you anything about it at all and what they will do to make it go?

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

29-01-07, 09:24
i have been using guided meditation cds for a couple of weeks now and they really work for me, try them free at meditainemnt .com. when i feel really panicky at home i lie on my bed and do a 20 min cd, it helps a lot and loads of the symptons disappear cos you relax, good luck


29-01-07, 17:25
thanks i'll have a look at that.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

29-01-07, 17:33
Just got in from work, had an ok morning, but this afternoon the unreality started to kick in. I was really busy later on this afternoon and had one massive ectopic in the middle of my chest. So i carried on and tried to ignore that this had happened. Anyway my legs were shaking and my heart was pounding and my BP was high and i think it might have been because a certain phrase was used by someone that was used when i had my op. I know that your brain does these things on their own and this is possible, but when i normally do what i was doing i do dread it anyway. Still think that my career is now over because i used to thrive on being busy and in emergency situations, was always rushing around in some sort of chaos that was going on, don't want it now, can't do it anymore i don't think. Doesn't interest me, and can't be bothered really. Still looking for another job, do you think this is a good idea?x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!