View Full Version : Ladies, Yeast Infection Question - Anxiety going INSANE!!

26-03-15, 00:42
Just a heads up, I have been struggling for Health Anxiety for about 3 years now. I just don't know where else to turn. I'm really hoping somebody can get back to me as soon as possible with my question.

So early March I had a horrible head cold that resulted in me going to the doctors for an ear infection. They gave me the antibiotic amoxicillin and I started up with insane itching and throbbing at my vagina. I noticed the discharge was as they described on google as a yeast infection. I tried over the counter Monistat 3 (off brand) and most of it went away.. but not all of it. So I went to my OBGYN yesterday. She took a sample of my discharge and agreed it was a little inflamed and I had a yeast infection going on. She gave me "Fluconazole" to take 1 time and said I'd feel better in 3 days.. Well I was so caught up in the moment of being anxious, I stupidly forgot to ask her some things and now I'm finding myself sitting here for the last 24 hours googling nonstop about my problem. So here is the real question:

For the ladies out there who have had a yeast infection, or not, have you ever noticed during this time that your urine has a foamy/bubbly look to it? I've been noticing it since the yeast infection began, and it's starting to really scare me. I've tried peeing in a cup, and I still notice slight foam, but not as much. But I do notice white things floating on top of my pee. What is going on? Is this something serious?!?!!?

According to Google I've ever got Diabetes or Kidney problems and now this has gotten so bad that I can't focus on anything in my life but this. I called the nurse at my doctors office and told her what was going on and that I stupidly googled and her response was, "Well what did Google tell you?" ...Really? That's your response? ugh.. PLEASE someone help me out here, I'm going insane! :weep:

26-03-15, 07:31
I had a lot of issues with recurring UTIs and then thrush that seemed to go on and on. I would get a UTI then I would have to take antibiotics and get thrush. At one point I had it pretty much every month in tune with my cyclesuI managed to get rid of the thrush by taking a supplement for two months called Candiclear, I think it was made by a company called Cytoplan, I got it from an acupuncturist. I was a bit sceptical as I've found when you have HA, you can spend a fortune on supplements and it can actually feed your anxiety, but I have to say this one really worked for me. The white bits could actually be just bits of discharge that have got into your urine, the best thing to do would be to take a sample in to the doctor and get it checked out, just to rule out a UTI.

26-03-15, 15:33
Evert time I take an antibiotic I get a yeast infection and do notice my urine is bubbly during that time. The white bits is probably some of the yeast that got into your urine I wouldn't worry. If it's still bubbly after the infection is over I would get it checked out.