View Full Version : can't sleep!!

26-03-15, 10:30
I've had some mild anxiety for awhile now, but just lately, the last 6 nights, i just can't sleep. im normally a pretty good sleeper. I feel like i'm wired, im literally buzzing all day, i've tried the usual, hot milk, i do exercise, last night i went for a good swim to tire myself out. I was tired when i went to bed and i think i went off ok, but was awake at 1.30 with wide eyes. im not even tired during the day, i feel like i could go for a run or stay awake for a week.

So weird for me. At night im more anxious because you constantly think and overthink. i just dont understand why i can't switch off.:weep:


26-03-15, 10:51
Anxiety is a trigger for disturbed sleep,try mindfulness for when you wake up also magnesium is good to help you relax and sleep longer.When I used to wake up at 3-4 in the morning I would meditate or read a book

27-03-15, 08:05
Hi Sarah
I am suffering the same and have been for 6 weeks now. I can't even get off to sleep! The doctor gave me zopiclone and trazodone. They do give me 8 hours sleep but side effects are awful and zop is addictive. Im now coming off trazodone (been on that 3 weeks) and I want to come off zopiclone but I still can't sleep! So I can't offer much advice but I do feel your pain! Good luck x