View Full Version : PVCs with brief shortness of breath

26-03-15, 12:24
Hi everyone,

For quite a while I was pretty worried about my heart. I've had bloodwork, an ECG and stress test (ECG and echo at rest and during/after exercise) and they were fine. I'm pretty much coming out of the fear/palpitations BUT I still do get the odd PVC/PAC (hard beat) and it feels like I've been winded sort of at the same time, like the beat pushed the air out of my lungs or something, obviously that's not what actually happens but that's what it feels like.

I'm not breathless afterwards, like it's only for a second, but it still scares me. Do you guys get this too? For those of you that do, how do you reassure yourselves? I'm just about over my worry about my heart and I don't want to lose all the progress I've made :/

Replies are appreciated- thanks!

27-03-15, 15:57
Hi Emily,
I get these too..they are definitely related to my anxiety.
Im still unsure if theyre like an acide reflux or something as they happen so briefly but they can cause an adrenalin surge of panic.

Im also learning to cope with them, I havent had any blood work or heart tests done other than ECG, mainly cos the cardiologist laughed at me and basically said go away due to the exercise routine I was completing each day at the time.

I get these, sometimes with the thud, sometimes not and just like something stole my breath for a brief second.
I also get flutters of 5-10 beats at a time..I think these arer also due to posture or how tired I am and rarely get them through the day excessively.

I am constantly aware of my heartbeat and when i'm not I wonder why and then feel it start beating hard again.

Im not like this everyday but somedays I'm manic and my thoughts are constantly on it.

Something we have to learn to live with I guess....oddly when we do, they'll go away.
Im sure you know this too from when you have a good day ;)

28-03-15, 01:46
Hi Daniele,

Thanks for your reply- I'm going to the doctor's in a few days for a shot so I'll ask her what causes it. I often find knowing the mechanism behind symptoms/sensations like these makes it a lot easier not to worry about them.

Take care :)