View Full Version : This is so weird - anxious about my horoscope!

26-03-15, 15:29
I'm currently going back to school and am trying to find what I want to do. I've been applying for jobs because I need the money and I want to gain some experience to sort of help me make some decisions.

Anyway, it's challenging because new part-time jobs are constantly coming available, and I'm always wondering if I take one of I will miss a good opportunity that came up later.

I interviewed for a part time office job on campus on Tuesday. I really loved the woman I interviewed with (and it turns out she's sort of a neighbor, which is cool) and I felt really good about it. I'll find out tomorrow if I got it, and I'm not saying I did, but I figured if I did I'd just take it since it felt good and I could use the extra money.

But then I read my horoscope today (like I do every day) and it said something along the lines that I've begun something that I'm about to discover isn't all it's cracked up to be, and that even though I don't want to disappoint people that I should back out now.

It's crazy to think that this random horoscope is trying to tell me something, and even if it were it could be about something else in my life entirely. But I can't get it out of my head! Now I don't know what I'm going to do. My logical side is telling me that I should just take the job but my other side is saying that I might regret it, I might miss out on something else, etc.

Am I totally insane?

26-03-15, 23:56
I know some people believe in astrology, but in all honesty I believe horoscopes etc are written very generally so as to seem accurate/relevant to anybody who reads them. The fact that it says this is a coincidence and you shouldn't let it influence your decisions.

Best wishes :)

27-03-15, 16:21
You can read what you like into horoscopes really, the question is if it hadn't said something that struck a chord with your situation would you have paid it any attention at all? It's inserted a negative thought where there wasn't one before, and it's not even YOUR thought but someone else's.

Besides, accepting a job offer is not the be all and end all - you can quit at any time you like if it doesn't suit you (before or after you find another!) I say if you felt good about it at the time, then go for it! :D

27-03-15, 22:18
Poppy, I actually have a friend who used to write daily horoscopes column, and he used to tell us that most are written to be as vague as possible so people can relate to them and interpret them as they want. He used to call them "horrorscopes", and to be fair he did write them in a satirical manner, because he felt like people would worry too much about them and live in fear of what they might foretell. You could probably read the horoscope for any star sign and find it relevant to your life.

Regarding this specific horoscope you have read, here's my alternate interpretation that might make you feel better: You might be about to discover that decaf soy lattes aren't all they are cracked up to be. You may go out with a friend who loves decaf soy lattes and insists that you order one and try it for yourself. However, you might realise that it tastes like muddy water and cannot bear to take another mouthful, and decide that you should just leave it on the bench and walk away even though the coffee-maker and your friend who loves decaf soy lattes will be disappointed.

Good luck with the job hunting, and hopefully you do have an opportunity arise from the interview :)

28-03-15, 08:17
Try to rationalise it Poppy. If they were accurate for a whole groups of people, they would hold positions of importance to advise others...but they don't, because its not accurate or meaingful. Its a bit of fun to read and sometimes things do match, but most of the time it doesn't.

Think what is the worst that can happen. You get this job, something better comes along and you go for that and move to something new.

However, what if the horoscope is wrong? You would lose this current opportunity. Surely thats worse?