View Full Version : Scared of pancreatic cancer

26-03-15, 17:03
Anyone who has read my posts here knows some of what I've been going through for the last few weeks, closer to 2 months now. Back in early February I noticed my veins seemed more prominent everywhere. I know some say this can happen from working out but they aren't buldging. Only in my forarms they are like that, but everywhere else it's just blue prominent veins that I can see but not feel. Anyways for the first week or two my appitiate seemed fine. Then it decreased and I started experiencing alternating bouts of constapation and diarrhea. I upped my fiber intake and my stools became more regular (still some diarrhea though at times) but I had an increase in gas and bloating so I cut back some. Also I was experiencing sharp pains in both sides of my stomsch near the rib cage and sharp pain in the chest on both sides along with indegestion and increased gas. The pains has went away over the past few days or so, the gas has calmed some but is still there, especially after dinner. Yesterday I did 30 mins of cardio at the gym which felt good. However last night I started experiencing some back pain on the left side and I notice this ususlly happens during or after a workout. I've been working out for a few years now so I consider myself to have good form. The palms pf my hands also seem redder to me. My fiancée and my mom both say its normal and my mom has red palms too. I am 27 male and consider myself to be in pretty decent shape. I workout regularly. My diet is usually pretty good for the most part. My fiancée and my mom keep telling me the veins are nothing to worry about and my palms are normal, but along with the bowel movements I've been having I can't help but worry if this could all be connected some how. Especially since some days I'll have clear mucus in my stool. I've been so worried and I feel like it's affecting me both mentally and physically. I've been trying to stay off google but everytime I say no more google I feel like I experience a new symptom. I feel like everyone is annoyed with me and tired of hearing about this. My mom and fiancee both think it's anxiety and I feel like my brother sometimes thinks I'm faking. I even feel like people on this board are probably tired of reading my posts.

Gary A
26-03-15, 17:22
Why would any of this be related to pancreatic cancer? Have you spoken to your doctor about any of this? It's all well and good asking your family but I'm afraid nothing will beat what a doctor tells you. Personally I think you've got IBS or something equally benign but I really think you should take this concern to your doctor, for peace of mind, if nothing else.

26-03-15, 17:28
Why would any of this be related to pancreatic cancer?

My thoughts too. Pancreatic cancer is a huge leap to make based on the symptoms. I have to disagree about running to the doctor for reassurance purposes. Most here see their doctor more than I do and I have real physical issues! A doctor will more than likely concur this is a gastrointestinal issue exasperated by anxiety. Treat the real illness and you treat the symptoms associated with it.

Positive thoughts

26-03-15, 17:30
I spoke to a doctor in the ER about my visable veins and she said they were nothing to worry about but didn't take a good look really. Though she didn't seem concerned. I went there to get a sebecus cyst drained that kept reoccurring. I have not made an appointment with a doctor yet. I was convienced I have IBS as well and still kind of am but then I think about why my veins seem so prominent (once again but not bulldging) and why my palms seem red. I know that get palms can be a sign of liver damage, and not sure about veins I know veins in the stomach can be that. I have one tiny vein I can see in my stomach which I've posted here. Once again the few replies said it didn't look concerning but I question then why is it there?

Gary A
26-03-15, 17:50
Prominent veins seem to be a bit of a strange thing to concern yourself with. My suggestion to you is to stop trying to find something to scare yourself over.

26-03-15, 18:12
I've been trying not to worry about my veins being visable, but because my digestive issues haven't seemed to improve it just makes me more scared that they could be related. I've always had a good appitate and lately I feel like I eat like a young child. Everyone tells me how silly it is to be worried about veins being visable but I question why they would suddenly be visable. I am fair skinned but never noticed them before, and I'm pretty sure I would of noticed them especially in my legs as when I wear shorts it's so noticable to me. While no one has told me they are noticable, I know I would of noticed them considering up until recently I would live on shorts especially when around the house lol.

Gary A
26-03-15, 18:25
I can understand your concern over digestive issues but there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to think that prominent veins are somehow linked. Perhaps your anxiety is giving you decreased hunger. In fact, gastrointestinal symptoms are a very common symptom of anxiety. Two things I would do. Number 1, try to relax more. If you're a constant bag of nerves your stomach will be one of the first things to feel it. Second thing to do is try peppermint supplements and maybe some over the counter antacids. Try this for a week or so and if no improvement then see your doctor.

I honestly wouldn't give the veins thing a second thought, you're a relatively young and fit person so there's absolutely no reason to think anything of it, other than it being a normal body change. Your body is a living, functioning evolving machine, changes like this are not unusual, and while it's sensible to keep an eye on your health, there is such a thing as taking it too far.

26-03-15, 18:30
Your veins can be more prominent from working out perhaps? It really doesn't sound like an issue and even with the accompanied digestive issues I would have never thought of pancreatic cancer.if the red palms post I previously read came from you if I recall you mentioned you wash your hands frequently perhaps That's the reason? I must say when my anxiety is at a high I find myself eating small meals and even feeling like I'm choking while eating it it's the mind That's causing this not a physical problem. When I don't have anxiety I can eat as I always did which tells me it's the anxiety because a real physical issue of not being able to swallow wouldn't clear up on it's own. Try to relax I know it's easier said than done but I seriously doubt you have any thing to worry about

Yorkshire born
26-03-15, 18:34
Hi Joe. I know you have spoken to a doctor about some of your symptoms but have you told your doctor how your symptoms make you feel?

Your anexiety is far in excess of what your symptoms should warrant at present. I know that I made the mistake of not telling my doctor how I was really feeling about my symptoms becasue I was worried they would dismiss me if I told them about my anxieties. This is not the case. All I ended up doing was prolonging, and possibly worsening, my anexiety by delaying getting help.

Getting help for something like anexiety isn't always a smooth ride but you'll never get anywhere unless your honest with your doctor about the fears and distress your symptoms are causing you.

26-03-15, 18:57

I tried the antacids thing a few weeks ago when I was still experiencing stomach pains after dinner and some quick stabbing pain in my chest. They helped some days, others they didn't but that might depend on what I ate. I was diagnosed with GERD a few years back but before this all started I could eat nearly anything without it upsetting my GERD except for dairy and even that I could handle outside of regular milk or heavy creams. Cheese was ususlly fine unless I ate a lot of it. My point is I could eat pizza, have a soda, spicy foods etc and really no issues at all, aside from some bloating after eating which is normal for me since I was diagnosed with GERD. I tried the peppermint tea experiment. It seemed to ease my digestive issues some but at the time I was still getting the sharp chest pain. I wasn't sure if the peppermint was upsetting my GERD or not.


That's what a lot of people are telling me about the veins but I always assumed those ones bulge? The only ones that bulge are on my forarms and hands. The rest can't be felt. Not sure if this can still be a sign of working out or not but I did have a month off from the gym and right before I returned to the gym is when I noticed them. So that's one of the reasons I wasbt unsure if it was working out related.

Yorkshire born,

At this time I don't have a primary doctor which I know I should but I changed doctors back in June and I didn't like a few things they did. The one nurse had trouble drawing blood and seemed amateur because when I went to the lab they had no issue drawing blood and said I had "good veins". Fast forward to November I went back because I had a cold and it wasn't until then they told me my blood test results. She said my ALT was a little over the normal range but didn't tell me how much. It freightened me and this was the official start of my HA I believe. I went home and googled everything, nervous, couldn't eat, and feeling shaky. Well I found out this can be related to muscular excercise. I remembered the day before I got blood tests done I did leg day and my legs were so sore I could barely walk. They hurt just getting in and out of the car. I was never advised to not excercise before bloods were drawn. This eased my anxiety but then I always thought "but what if". I only drink socially or on holidays which isn't very often at all. When I went to the ER the one night for the sebecus cyst drain my heart rate was a little high (like 135) and I did mention to the doctor I had felt very anxious all week. She said it's likely just anxiety but suggested I follow up with my doctor. Since I've been checking my heart rate at home which has been normal. Same with the gym I did cardio yesterday and my heart rate was within the normal range for excercise. I use to take anxiety Meds from my teen years until I was 21. I got tired of talking to therapists and felt I was being bullied and told to do things I wasn't comfortable with or would make my anxiety worse. I got off them and had been fine for years until just recently.

26-03-15, 19:49

I saw you were in therapy before. It may be prudent to seek professional help again being you seem to be in quite a spiral. The obsession with your veins and irrational thoughts you're expressing are concerning. In the meantime, there's a free CBT (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=131665)download available here you should investigate and start working on. I personally found it helpful with some GAD and depression issues I was dealing with.

The dragon is a shifty beast and its apparent he's breathing fire down your neck.

Positive thoughts

26-03-15, 20:03
Fishman, what is a CBT? Sorry still kind of new to this forum and not sure what it stands for.

EDIT: I've attached pics of the veins on my legs, arms and hands. I know I've mentioned it a lot so I figured I should snap some pics to show everyone what I'm talking about. There are 8 images in total that you should be able to access from the link provided.


Gary A
26-03-15, 20:31
I've had a look at your images and they look like perfectly normal veins to me. In fact, being fairly pale in complexion myself, my legs and arms look almost exactly the same.

26-03-15, 20:42
Really Gary? That makes me feel a little better to hear. I am fair skinned as you can see lol. It's just I never noticed them before and have been working out for a few years now. My fiancée seems to think that applying lotion on a daily basis could have to do with it as that's the only thing I've done differently.

26-03-15, 20:51
Fishman, what is a CBT?

Cognitive Behavior Therapy

And for the record, I'm not a doctor but you're seeing things that aren't there. There was a member who posted about seeing her hands atrophy and lose fat which is physiologically impossible. She swore it was happening but only she could see it, no one else. Sound familiar?

Good luck to you and positive thoughts

26-03-15, 20:59
Those CBT's are good, I downloaded them and working my way through.:yesyes:

Gary A
26-03-15, 20:59
There's no reason for it because there is NOTHING THERE. I can see veins all over my arms, I've never noticed them before but most probably because I wasn't looking. Try to deal with your anxiety, this will no doubt help your stomach complaints and just forget your veins, there is absolutely 100% nothing unusual about them.

26-03-15, 21:05
Cognitive Behavior Therapy

And for the record, I'm not a doctor but you're seeing things that aren't there. There was a member who posted about seeing her hands atrophy and lose fat which is physiologically impossible. She swore it was happening but only she could see it, no one else. Sound familiar?

Good luck to you and positive thoughts

Come on Fishman, while this might be anxiety related and I would love to agree with you that I'm seeing things that aren't there. I can clearly see veins in the pics I posted and on my body. I am glad however that if you can't or can barely see them then it's probably not serious.

I have checked out the CBT and plan to register later today so I can check it out.

---------- Post added at 17:05 ---------- Previous post was at 17:01 ----------

There's no reason for it because there is NOTHING THERE. I can see veins all over my arms, I've never noticed them before but most probably because I wasn't looking. Try to deal with your anxiety, this will no doubt help your stomach complaints and just forget your veins, there is absolutely 100% nothing unusual about them.

Okay I'll take you guys word for it that nothing is there lol. Since two of you said it I guess maybe I just haven't noticed then before and am looking for changes. As much as I find that hard to believe, a lot of people are telling me this so I'll just have to start believing it.

26-03-15, 21:09
You see veins because people have veins! Some are lighter skinned and it's more apparent is all. It's like those that are afraid because they can feel their heart beating. I'd be more worried if they couldn't! You have anxiety. You're hyper-focused on something that 99% of the population doesn't give a rats behind about.

Sorry to be blunt but that's just the way it is and I am ;) So perhaps getting back into therapy and speaking to your doctor about a chill pill to help you get the dragon under control is in order.

Positive thoughts

Gary A
26-03-15, 21:14
Do you think all these people are conspiring against you in some fiendish plot to keep you from worrying about your veins? They look normal, even if they never used to look like that, so what? Change doesn't necessarily mean something bad. You even had a nurse, who will deal with veins everyday when taking bloods etc, telling you they were fine. You really are looking for things too deeply and when you do that, you'll find something. Nobody can make you believe something, but honestly man, you're working yourself up over absolutely nothing here.

26-03-15, 21:18
The issue with the nurse saying I had good veins was back in June when I didn't even notice the veins so almost a year back. The previous just couldn't "find the vein" lol which is why I don't go to that doctor anymore.

I however thank both of you for being blunt. I would rather you be blunt and say nothing is there then to say "yeah it looks concerning see a doctor ASAP". Since everyone is telling me it's anxiety related I will just start believing it and stay off google. Not one person has said it looks concerning so of no one else believes it is concerning then I have to start believing it too.

26-03-15, 21:27
Your veins look like normal every day veins. You may not have noticed it before but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong our bodies are constantly evolving

26-03-15, 22:57
Your veins look like normal every day veins. You may not have noticed it before but that doesn't mean there's anything wrong our bodies are constantly evolving

Thanks Worrywart. The last few posts made me feel better about my veins bot being a concern. However, to turn my attention back to the bowel movements I've been having, I just got back from the gym and had to go to the bathroom. When I went it was runny, not full diarrhea but pretty close. I wasn't surprised because today that's what I've had all day. However, what concerned me was this is the second time now I found blood when wiping. It was red which I believe means it isn't from the upper GI tract. I know hemmriods is the likely cause but I didn't experience any pain or strain, the rectum also isn't itchy at least at the moment. Can you experience hemmriods without pain? Also is it common to go days of no blood in stool then suddenly experience it again?

27-03-15, 01:24
I have been through all of these things.

For blood on the toilet paper. I was 21 and had blood flowing into the toilet bowl. It was terrifying. I had a colonoscopy... it turned out it was hemorrhoids. I never felt any pain or itching.

Now I am concerned with pancreatic cancer because of left sided abdominal pain and I was having wonky bowel movements... They have cleared up, I believe it is IBS (I have been diagnosed).

I still have the left sided pain but I am 25 so I calm myself with statistics.

I previously posted this on another members thread who is going through the same thing you and I are (It is a rather common worry on here).

Only 1 in 74 people are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. This may sound high but it isn't.

So consider. 1 in 74 people is around 1.4% of all people... now of that 1.4% of people, less that 1/2 of a % are between 20 and 35. That gives us an exceedingly small number... not to mention that it is a bit less common in females. Plus you have had blood work which often signifies that something is wrong. These two factors decrease your odds in particular.

Now, this puts our odds 1 in 100000 (I know, seeing the number it doesn't seem that rare).

Now concider the fact that 6-9% of pancreatic cancer is caused by genetic diseases which I assume you don't have. Also concider the number of young people who have things like chronic pancreaitis, diabetes, and other cancers which could lead them to be that 1 in 100000.

Concider now, that your chances are even lower than one in 100000.

Well if you don't mind opening links.
These are images of a rally by Obama which around 100000 people were in attendance.

Imagine that those 100000 people are all between 20-35. Now ask yourself... Are you really that unlucky?

I know that this won't cure you of thoughts of pancreatic cancer because it hasn't cured me... but when you start to really worry, try to remember this .

I hope we both beat this HA soon. If you need any support that can be offered through text, just message me. We have similar symptoms and are in this together.

Welcome to nomorepanic.

I dont know your age or sex but it likely still applies.

27-03-15, 02:17
I'm 27 and male so I'm pretty young. I guess I'm just concerned this has all happened within about two months when otherwise I was fine. Anxiety wasn't too bad and while I have GERD it was pretty mild considering I could eat hot wings, pizza, soda etc with little to no problems at all. At the very most I would get slight heart burn but not often enough to be concerning.

I did of course cut out certain foods that did irritate my GERD long ago. I haven't had McDonald's in over a year and I stopped eating pizza from places like papa johns. Before all of this my diet was pretty high protein, though I feel I could of got more fiber my bowels were pretty regular with some constapation but once I upped my fiber then it was back to normal.

I just want to get back to being me. I am engaged, in college and graduating next year, I regularly like to work out, I love to eat etc. I have come a long way from where I was before with my anxiety. This has been affecting my school work (though I still have good grades), my appitate sucks as most days I can barely get my daily calorie intake in, and I hate stressing wondering what my BM will be like throughout the day when before something like that was considered "relaxing" lol.

27-03-15, 02:41
Blood in stools usually turn it black if it's red in color it means it's fresh blood and is most likely hemmoriods it could also be from constant wiping or irritation if you been going a lot today.

27-03-15, 03:29
You sound like me except that I am married and graduated in April... This is a terrible condition to have (HA) but the great thing about it is that it is completely treatable (unlike many of the things we fear we have).

You almost certainly dont have pancreatic cancer because you are only 1 year older than me and have the same symptoms.

I am very lucky to have a very understanding doctor who cares for me and allows me to call him at home with any questions I have... He has even talked me out of my worst panic attack over the phone and offered to come to my house when he was finished work.

If he had any concerns for my health he would express them... He has none. He order full blood work (EVERYTHING) and a full abdomen ultrasound. I havent had the ultrasound yet but my bloods we fine and he said that if there was something serious wrong it would have showed.

Just try to relax... Dont waste another day either. GO TO A DOCTOR ASAP! and ask for therepy. I am waiting for mine to start but it will help you... also ask your doctor about medications. I take venlafaxine and clonazopam and they have made my life quite a lot better.

27-03-15, 04:41
You sound like me except that I am married and graduated in April... This is a terrible condition to have (HA) but the great thing about it is that it is completely treatable (unlike many of the things we fear we have).

You almost certainly dont have pancreatic cancer because you are only 1 year older than me and have the same symptoms.

I am very lucky to have a very understanding doctor who cares for me and allows me to call him at home with any questions I have... He has even talked me out of my worst panic attack over the phone and offered to come to my house when he was finished work.

If he had any concerns for my health he would express them... He has none. He order full blood work (EVERYTHING) and a full abdomen ultrasound. I havent had the ultrasound yet but my bloods we fine and he said that if there was something serious wrong it would have showed.

Just try to relax... Dont waste another day either. GO TO A DOCTOR ASAP! and ask for therepy. I am waiting for mine to start but it will help you... also ask your doctor about medications. I take venlafaxine and clonazopam and they have made my life quite a lot better.

Thanks man, you have been helpful and it's good to know you can relate and I'm glad you are getting better. I feel part of this issue is also ne being afraid to go to the doctors of fear, and the fact that I haven't been able to find a good doctor in my area that I really like. A few years ago the doc that diagnosed me with GERD I stopped going to because I once went in with a cold. Because my mother also used him as her doc we went together he took us both in the same room and never checked anything. Not my heart, blood pressure, didn't even look at my throat. Just said eat chicken soup and it'll get better in 2 weeks. I'm all for not taking medication if it isn't needed but I didn't like this doc charging my insurance without even taking a look.

The last doctor I explained earlier in this thread that the nurse couldn't even draw blood or "find the vein" and I didn't like my doctor not notifying me of my blood work until 6 months later when I went in for a cough that I had for 3 weeks that refused to go away. So yeah, I have trouble with some docs and always feel they are out to charge my insurance because they know it's covered rather than care for the patient.

27-03-15, 08:59
Fishman, what is a CBT? Sorry still kind of new to this forum and not sure what it stands for.

EDIT: I've attached pics of the veins on my legs, arms and hands. I know I've mentioned it a lot so I figured I should snap some pics to show everyone what I'm talking about. There are 8 images in total that you should be able to access from the link provided.


Hi just joe I had a look at your photos and I like you have veins that show up all over my body and only once have I worried about a vein. The older we get More things change on your body. You need to relax, HA has a way of making every small thing seem catastrophic. Try meditating, yoga, pilates, hypnotherapy etc whatever will work to help relax your mind

27-03-15, 12:29
Yeah, I am very fortunate to have grown up in a small town with the same doctor since I was a child. He has been with me through my entire anxiety journey and is very suportive.

It can be very frustrating "Doctor shopping" and it may be even more frustrating in the US where money is a factor... but when you have found the right guy/girl it's a wonderful thing.

Are there any walk-in clinics in your area? I don't know about the US, but if you don't have a GP a doctor working in the clinic may be able to refer you to a mental health program which can at very least direct you to group therapies. Many group therapy programs are lead by people who are very experienced in coucelling and therapy.

27-03-15, 17:17
Hi just joe I had a look at your photos and I like you have veins that show up all over my body and only once have I worried about a vein. The older we get More things change on your body. You need to relax, HA has a way of making every small thing seem catastrophic. Try meditating, yoga, pilates, hypnotherapy etc whatever will work to help relax your mind

Thanks Laura,

It's comforting to know that other people have veins that show up like mine. This is why I'm glad I posted pictures rather than people saying they are fine by showing pictures and people saying they look fine helps me to feel they are fine.


I don't think we have any walk in clinics but I'm gonna check to make sure. Surely at some point there has to be a doctor somewhere who I like lol.

29-03-15, 16:18
Rather than make a new thread I will reply to this one. Because everyone said its normal I haven't even thought about my veins. However, I'm still concerned about the fact that I get full very quickly. I'm only eating about half, maybe less than I use to eat. For example, I'll eat say a yogurt and a hard boiled egg for breakfast and be full. Then for dinner I'm ususlly eating smaller portions than I'm use to. I know that early satiety can be related to a number of different things and that's what worry's me most since this has been going on for about a month or more now.

While I think I may have IBS, this doesn't seem like a big complaint among those who have it.

29-03-15, 19:47
Don't worry about getting full fast. That is something that can be directly related to anxiety disorders.
Just think... when you are sick, tired, scared, angry, depressed, etc. Hunger wanes...
I know for myself just the thought of having no appetite can cause early fullness.
Once you stop worrying about it your appetite will return to normal.
The way I convinced myself I was ok in the appetite departement was to go out for something I really loved and set no limits.
I ate 72 chicken wings in one night (I know, not good for me but it was once). This was all it took.. I drank a couple of non-alcoholic beers (I recommend avoiding alcohol with anxiety) and ate my guts out and had a nice time... I haven't had appetite problems since... I also had no pain in the pancreas area afterwards which helped me feel better because all the fat I consumed that night would have crippled a health pancreas lol.
Just try to do something normal that a young person would do and get your mind off it. It won't cure your anxiety but it will kind of reset it.
Also GO TO THE DOCTOR!! No more delays. I am serious, you need to go as soon as you can. Don't procrastenate. It will help you.