View Full Version : ECG tomorrow lunch time

26-03-15, 20:23
Me again :wacko:

Im off for an ecg tomorrow lunch time as I had another funny turn today again.
Doctor good as gold, when I phoned he said come in and we will do a heart trace.

I have been in previously this week and know I have acid reflux, but when I walk now my heart starts skipping beats and banging away, then I cant catch my breath.(not always)

Also when I was driving today had as sharp pain in my heart, this then freaked me out and I couldn't stop it.
Also have Ankylosing Spondylitis and I know this can affect the valve in the heart so he wants to check.

Can acid reflux really cause this much of an issue??

Also do you think It would be wise for me to take a diazapam before?
The reason I ask is I will be climbing the walls and go into panic when im there and I will end up blowing there machine up probably.
But on the other hand dont want to mess the test up.
Any Advice would be fantastic as always.

Gary A
26-03-15, 20:37
An ECG is a very standard check and takes a minute or so. If you're having heart worries then this is exactly the test you need, it won't give you a diagnosis but can give the doctors an idea if there is anything untoward going on with the heart. I had one myself recently, and the hardest part was when they pulled the little sticker off my chest and took a hair with it. :weep:

26-03-15, 20:49
Ahh thats great too know, I think the nurse is doing it and i'm seeing him afterwards.
Its just the fear if the turn around and say there's a problem.

I was ok until I started these tablets Imipramine not doing very well with pills at the moment the side affects seem awful, (if its them)

He did say stop them now on the phone when I told him what im on.

I wish I could have stuck with the last lot But for them side affects im going too need time off work.

Gary A
26-03-15, 21:05
Yeah, it's usually a nurse that does the test and a doctor just reads the tracing afterward. It's not at all strenuous...just shave your chest beforehand. :ohmy:

26-03-15, 21:18
There aint much hair there anyway :roflmao:

26-03-15, 21:31
I just had one and Thanks to my anxiety over going to the doctors my heart rate was 140 they were concerned about that but said all my tracings was normal. After explaining my anxiety he said that explains it. It was really painless

26-03-15, 21:48
This is what will happen to me, Be better if I could bring the machine home here and do it. Its just the thought of going in there.

Gary A
26-03-15, 21:53
There will be small abnormalities caused by anxiety, raised pulse etc, but any doctor can easily tell the difference between that and potential illness, so I really wouldn't worry about it. If you feel anxious, let them know beforehand so they can anticipate it.

26-03-15, 21:56
Thanks Gary I will do that, I hate the doctors just waiting in the room makes my heart race away.
Hopefully if its the nurse i think it is shes alooker so i will focus on that :D

27-03-15, 13:20
Well I had the ecg and my heart rate was high, due to being in there, and my blood pressure was high.
Although everything else was ok she said its only at the time of the test.
It dose not mean there isn't an issue.
So what is the point of the test??:huh:
The doctor said no more Imipramine and put me on sertraline cut a 50mg in half for 2 weeks then take the full dose.