View Full Version : sore throat and swollen glands that come and go

26-03-15, 21:18
My anxiety has been bad this last week and I've had a sore throat/cough on and off for a few weeks. I am coughing up small amounts of bright green and clear phlegm - is that a sign of infection?

My glands in my neck are very sore and swollen and it hurts to swallow, especially evenings/mornings.

Been drinking lots of water and taking paracetamol but feel really rough!

I get the occasional night sweat so of course I am worrying about lymphoma now. Also I have some bad bruising on my legs so I am freaking out over leukaemia now too!

Does anyone know if SSRIs can cause night sweats and easy bruising?

I had a CBC done a few months back - surely if anything was up they would have spotted it then?


Gary A
26-03-15, 21:23
Sounds like a pretty standard throat infection to me. Are there any white spots on your tonsils?

26-03-15, 21:29
I think it is just a throat infection. I don't have any tonsils, had them out when I was a kid.

I hate having anything like this cause swollen glands really bother me, as does the coughing.

Health anxiety is bad enough, but even worse when you get a cold/infection or anything like that.

Wish I could just see things for what they are, not what I fear.

Gary A
26-03-15, 21:33
Swollen glands and green mucus are a big giveaway that points to infection. Glands are supposed to swell upon infection. Lymphoma causes a tumour in the lymphatic system, it doesn't cause a lot of glands to swell up. As for leukaemia, that's a bit of a leap.

26-03-15, 21:39
I thought lymphoma did cause swollen glands? Yeah I know its a bit of leap worrying over leukaemia... I just think 'it could happen, so it is going to happen' I watched a film last week where a girl dies of it and it has been in my head since. there is this scene where she is dying and you see all these bruises on her and every time I see my leg bruises I think of it. That is just how my anxiety works. I hate it.

Gary A
26-03-15, 21:51
A lymphoma would cause a hard painless swelling in the lymph nodes. It would not cause painful swelling of a number of glands. This is almost certainly caused by a bacterial or viral infection. See your doctor for a diagnosis, but I'm sure your doctor will find the idea of this being caused by lymphoma absolutely absurd.

26-03-15, 22:16
You're right. Its still worrying me though. Keep thinking what if? Terrified of cancer...