View Full Version : panic attacks and derealization

26-03-15, 23:46
so i went to my job interview today, panic attack/anxiety not bad, had my Cross with me, ( big time Christian ) and ask God and Jesus to help me with my job interview ( btw, the person that interviewed me and that would be my superviser, really took a liking to me ) and my anxiety/panic attack, well my Prayer worked, but now really anxious, i have a feeling i got the job ( at target ) but nervous to work, afraid my anxiety and panic attack may keep me from doing my job ( stocking shelf ) so i am going to be put back on fluxentine ( was on that growing up ), hopefully that helps, now to my derealization, i have anxiety and panic attacks along with derealization, ( also ahve depersonization, but not as often as derealization ) really sucks, i cant concentrate, i try to talk but then my panic attack shuts me up, i get light headed, feeling of a small pain in chest, keep thinking i am going to quit breathing, last interview i had ( at savers, kinda like goodwill ) i had a full blown anxiety attack/panic attack, but i stuck through the interview, which i am happy about, but also my derealization kicked in, still stayed but was quiet and looked at the floor, i have derealization almost 24/7, DR is not so bad but now mixed with panic and anxiety, its worse.. :( so anyone else like me?

28-03-15, 17:39