View Full Version : Shakey All Day

27-03-15, 01:05
Hello. I have OCD/Anxiety and Depression. I often get nervous, occasionally shaky, but it usually only lasts a couple minutes, and I can usually distract myself. My anxieties are often about germs, as I have a phobia of germs. Today, I felt anxious the entire day. I could not stop shaking for the entire day. I tried sleeping for hours, and only managed to actually fall asleep for a mere 10 minutes. When I got home from school, I was still shaky and couldn't stop crying. I partly get anxious when my stomach hurts and I am not home because I don't like to defecate anywhere that's not my own house because I like to shower after. But I'm home now, and I have used the toilet, and showered, and laid down, but I still feel shaky. I've never been shaky for the entire day like this. I also have not taken my medicine for a week, because my prescription ran out. My mom refilled it today, and I just took double my dosage, and they probably haven't kicked in yet. I'm anxious that these panick attacks will happen more and that makes me more anxious leading to them and I worry this is a loop. I'm going to try to stay home tomorrow. If I take my medicine as prescribed for the weekend will I feel better? I need to feel better by next week because i have state testing that week and do not want to miss that.

Dan Wales
30-03-15, 00:28
Hi when I have an anxiety or panic attack I shake too. You said you didn't take your medience for a week. That could off been the reason you were shaking non stop. It wasn't wise to double up on your medience you could of accidently overdosed. I hope you do well next week in your state testing.