View Full Version : Am I dying or just stressed?

27-03-15, 10:56
Hi everyone,

I've posted on here rather infrequently, probably because so often I doubt whether anxiety/stress is the cause of all my health issues (I know right - bet you're all well acquainted with that thought).

My rather elaborate story all began with an allergic reaction to an antibiotic I was taking for a suspected kidney infection. Not only did it cause a reaction in my body, it didn't solve the problem. From that moment on I was issued 3 other courses of antibiotics, all of which I reacted unfavorably to. There is nothing to suggest I was allergic to these aswell as the reactions were bizarre and overblown relative to the strength of medication I was taking. I was diagnosed with hyperventilation syndrome after two weeks of being swapped around on antibiotics. My stress levels were enormous.

I've never worried about my health before, but have struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember, though not crippling - enough to impact my life in subtle ways. Once I was given the diagnosis I struggled to come to terms with it, but I did try. Two days later I was hit with fatigue, muscle aches and headaches. Sharp pain in my bones would come and go - I thought I must have caught the flu or something. Being so run down it seemed to be as good an explanation as any. My glands were swollen upon the doc's physical examination, blood's were taken for a second time. Inflammation was going down (I suspect inflammation in the first instance was from the kidney infection). I was sent away as there was really very little to be seen/done.

During this time I was searching desperately for an explanation. I was still getting sharp pains in my body, a long with some joint pain particularly in my fingers. I was woken up with vertigo in the middle of the night and concluded I must have developed some fast acting autoimmune condition, triggered perhaps by the allergic reaction. I was just speculating to start with, but as I researched I began to see links everywhere - I became utterly obsessed with finding out what was wrong with me. My symptoms were getting worse, and were pretty much mirrors of those I felt on the antibiotics. Internal vibration, myclonic jerks, electric shocks, strange bubble feeling in back of head, migratory joint pain, muscle aches, stabbing sensations, burning, wet feelings, nausea, morning stiffness in fingers, heart palpitations, tingling extremities, allergies, rashes, strange seizure type sensations, dizziness, itchiness, constipation/and the opposite, feels like carpal tunnel syndrome.

I've been to doctors SO MANY TIMES. I was finally referred to an infectious diseases specialist. He concluded it was likely 'Post Viral Fatigue' or something equally nebulous. My blood's were squeaky clean. The doctor's were all very reassured by this isn't a good enough explanation for me. Anxiety has often been mentioned as the cause, but again, how on earth it can cause all of this is an otherwise healthy body is beyond me.

Now, because I'm not satisfied that with this diagnosis, I've looked into a whole manner of possibilities. Lupus, Lyme Disease, Candida (this may still be a contributing factor - muchos antibiotics, remember), trying desperately to find a cohesive explanation. One that could account for my normal blood tests. I've even gone so far as to contact a naturopath, who rather unhelpfully looked over my case online and suggested it 'sounds like an inflammation response that you're not even aware of, contrary to the general medical consensus' and that 'there are probably more serious underlying causes you may not be currently aware of', then saying she didn't have time to take on my case and that I should seek help elsewhere. I just received this this morning and of course I became instantly distressed.

The hard thing is trying to think rationally when there's so much contradictory information out there. So many forums eulogize about 'being your own health detective' and that 'modern medicine usually misses this particular disease' blah blah. And because we instinctively want to know what is happening to us so we can get back to being happy and healthy, we weigh up the statements. Sometimes lacking the discernment to choose what is really worth considering - it's hard to make that distinction. Especially when your mind is already going crazy thinking "oh god, I'm too young to die". Myself, I'm incredibly single minded and obsessive. If there is something that is concerning me, I'll try everything to get to the bottom of it. By whatever means. I already self-diagnosed myself with Lyme Disease and bought a shit-load of herbal remedies. *sigh*

I really feel quite trapped by this. I want to get better, of course, but I also don't want to leave it to chance that I'm okay. We're constantly preached the importance of early recognition, and I do worry that ignoring my body in this way is only exacerbating whatever is going on. And if it is anxiety, the opposite is true.

This has been very long, I hope someone finds themselves in what I've written.

27-03-15, 14:38
I had the same reaction when I took cipro for sinus infection I'm still feeling the effects and haven't been the same since

27-03-15, 15:40
In what sense? Have you had tests done?

27-03-15, 16:26
I had a ekg and blood work and all was normal. I had most of your symptoms because of the symptoms I stopped taking the meds that was three months ago it improved but I haven't been the same mentally. It was the start of my health anxiety and I also have lots of aches and pains still

27-03-15, 23:13
I had a similar experience to you several years ago, although I didn't suffer from anxiety at the time. I had glandular fever, which was misdiagnosed as tonsilitis, when I was 19. The doctor treated it with antibiotics, which I had a reaction to (although I've since learned that this certain antibiotics causes a rash when given to people with glandular fever, so I don't know how the doctor missed the connection). I had a course of different antibiotics which didn't make much difference then I was told to just "wait it out". Anyway, cut to 6 months later and I was still exhausted all of the time, sleeping 12-18 hours a day, and my muscles were constantly sore. My doctor at the time (the same one who misdiagnosed the glandular fever) told me I was "just a teenager" and that I was "partying too much". Needless to say, I changed doctors. My new doctor did a bunch of tests for everything under the sun. Like you, my bloods were squeaky clean, except for one thing, and asked when I had glandular fever. I told her I had never had glandular fever and she told me that I actually must have had in quite severely in the last year to have the amount of antibodies to it that I did. After all of the other tests came back negative, I was given the diagnosis of good old "chronic fatigue syndrome", which is prettymuch "post-viral fatigue" but for a longer period of time.

Some months later, I had an awful experience where I was drugged and had a very terrifying reaction which I interpreted to be a food allergy rather than a drug reaction. After then, my body started to 'mimic' that reaction and I was having an array of awful and scary symptoms. When I got home from my travels and went back to see the doctor, there were concerns that the new reactions I was having could be related to the chronic fatigue symptoms I had been experiencing before I left and could be indicative of a serious condition. My doctor did a massive amount of tests, yet again, but everything was still squeaky clean. At that point she was quite confident that we were dealing with chronic fatigue syndrome, panic attacks and anxiety. Fortunately it was picked up quite early and I was able to work through it with a lot of support. However, I still have some anxiety around allergic reactions, and I still have chronic fatigue syndrome (which is much better now than it used to be).

28-03-15, 01:16
Hi everyone,

I've posted on here rather infrequently, probably because so often I doubt whether anxiety/stress is the cause of all my health issues (I know right - bet you're all well acquainted with that thought).

My rather elaborate story all began with an allergic reaction to an antibiotic I was taking for a suspected kidney infection. Not only did it cause a reaction in my body, it didn't solve the problem. From that moment on I was issued 3 other courses of antibiotics, all of which I reacted unfavorably to. There is nothing to suggest I was allergic to these aswell as the reactions were bizarre and overblown relative to the strength of medication I was taking. I was diagnosed with hyperventilation syndrome after two weeks of being swapped around on antibiotics. My stress levels were enormous.

I've never worried about my health before, but have struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember, though not crippling - enough to impact my life in subtle ways. Once I was given the diagnosis I struggled to come to terms with it, but I did try. Two days later I was hit with fatigue, muscle aches and headaches. Sharp pain in my bones would come and go - I thought I must have caught the flu or something. Being so run down it seemed to be as good an explanation as any. My glands were swollen upon the doc's physical examination, blood's were taken for a second time. Inflammation was going down (I suspect inflammation in the first instance was from the kidney infection). I was sent away as there was really very little to be seen/done.

During this time I was searching desperately for an explanation. I was still getting sharp pains in my body, a long with some joint pain particularly in my fingers. I was woken up with vertigo in the middle of the night and concluded I must have developed some fast acting autoimmune condition, triggered perhaps by the allergic reaction. I was just speculating to start with, but as I researched I began to see links everywhere - I became utterly obsessed with finding out what was wrong with me. My symptoms were getting worse, and were pretty much mirrors of those I felt on the antibiotics. Internal vibration, myclonic jerks, electric shocks, strange bubble feeling in back of head, migratory joint pain, muscle aches, stabbing sensations, burning, wet feelings, nausea, morning stiffness in fingers, heart palpitations, tingling extremities, allergies, rashes, strange seizure type sensations, dizziness, itchiness, constipation/and the opposite, feels like carpal tunnel syndrome.

I've been to doctors SO MANY TIMES. I was finally referred to an infectious diseases specialist. He concluded it was likely 'Post Viral Fatigue' or something equally nebulous. My blood's were squeaky clean. The doctor's were all very reassured by this isn't a good enough explanation for me. Anxiety has often been mentioned as the cause, but again, how on earth it can cause all of this is an otherwise healthy body is beyond me.

Now, because I'm not satisfied that with this diagnosis, I've looked into a whole manner of possibilities. Lupus, Lyme Disease, Candida (this may still be a contributing factor - muchos antibiotics, remember), trying desperately to find a cohesive explanation. One that could account for my normal blood tests. I've even gone so far as to contact a naturopath, who rather unhelpfully looked over my case online and suggested it 'sounds like an inflammation response that you're not even aware of, contrary to the general medical consensus' and that 'there are probably more serious underlying causes you may not be currently aware of', then saying she didn't have time to take on my case and that I should seek help elsewhere. I just received this this morning and of course I became instantly distressed.

The hard thing is trying to think rationally when there's so much contradictory information out there. So many forums eulogize about 'being your own health detective' and that 'modern medicine usually misses this particular disease' blah blah. And because we instinctively want to know what is happening to us so we can get back to being happy and healthy, we weigh up the statements. Sometimes lacking the discernment to choose what is really worth considering - it's hard to make that distinction. Especially when your mind is already going crazy thinking "oh god, I'm too young to die". Myself, I'm incredibly single minded and obsessive. If there is something that is concerning me, I'll try everything to get to the bottom of it. By whatever means. I already self-diagnosed myself with Lyme Disease and bought a shit-load of herbal remedies. *sigh*

I really feel quite trapped by this. I want to get better, of course, but I also don't want to leave it to chance that I'm okay. We're constantly preached the importance of early recognition, and I do worry that ignoring my body in this way is only exacerbating whatever is going on. And if it is anxiety, the opposite is true.

This has been very long, I hope someone finds themselves in what I've written.

You have literally just written the last nine months of my life and mine like yours started with a urine infection that developed into a kdney infection and a reaction to all the antibiotics they put me on.mi ended up in hospital for 5 weeks. I selfishly Gould cry as I no longer feel alone

I was told that it was all in my head!

28-03-15, 08:33
Laurawoo84 - what happened? Are you okay now?

---------- Post added at 08:33 ---------- Previous post was at 08:15 ----------

Honestly I've had anxiety for a really long time, but it's never been health related. In fact I can almost be quite negligent towards my health. These part ten weeks have been ridiculous, I have no idea what the next step is.

I would self treat but 1. I don't know with any certainty what is wrong and I don't want to make it worse. 2. I don't know if I even have the means to.

Have I just become hyper-allergic to everything since the antibiotic? Did I even have a kidney infection, or was it caused by something else? (never found bacteria) Could it be a candida overgrowth made worse by the antibiotics? I have so many symptoms, and the doctors haven't done a thing. I question sometimes whether they've really thought about my case or just discarded it when my blood's were fine. Where is the explanation?

God I feel so depressed.

28-03-15, 20:15
Has anyone experienced sudden allergic reactions to thing, brought on by anxiety? Honestly it feels like I'm allergic to everything nowadays. I have a rash on my face, sore throat, itchy eyes etc..

28-03-15, 21:16
I recently read an article about people who were prescribed cipro and developing what they called cipro syndrome or Flouroquiolone toxicity. It apparently affects your joints and tendons. I know it is a common antibiotic prescribed for bladder or kidney infections.

I also wanted to say that after I developed my anxiety disorder I did become increasingly allergic to things. ( like one of my dogs)

29-03-15, 00:16
Thanks for responding! I never took Cipro but the nitrofurantoin I took first has a pretty nasty reputation for inducing peripheral neuropathy. All these bloody medications - I'm currently looking for a Homeopathic doctor to sort me out. My blood's are okay, so yes that's reassuring.

The allergy thing is weird. Anxiety and stress really does reak havoc on the body in strange ways.

---------- Post added 29-03-15 at 00:16 ---------- Previous post was 28-03-15 at 23:04 ----------

Anthrokid - sorry to hear about your story. Thank god that nasty experience is behind you.

Post-viral fatigue would be believable had I actually had a virus. Feel much like you in that it's a diagnosis of exclusion. Am tired and frustrated that nothing the doctors say seems to makes sense with my experience. Quite unsure of where to go from here. :(

17-04-15, 16:14
Hi Beefany,

I have the same symptoms, the achiness the twitching, the feeling of having carpal tunnel. Did you ever find out the answer? I am awaiting a neurologist appointment!



17-04-15, 17:32
I read that you can self test for candida. In the Morning when you first wake up take a cup of water and spit in it if the spit form a stringy appearence and float in the glass then it suggest candida over growth. It will look like little legs floating in the glass. As far as the sudden allergies I believe your reaction to the medication is causing you to subconsciously fear another reaction which brings on reaction symptoms. I been going through the same thing since a suspected allergic reaction to coconut. Since then immediately after eating anything I feel itchy and like my throat is closing I think it's in my mind because despite feeling like I'm having a reaction Nothing ever happen bad

09-05-15, 14:15
hi beefany, I started getting pains around my kidney area on my left side a week or so ago, when I went to the doctors last Friday and she thought I had been suffering from a bit of phloracy (not sure how its spelt). on Monday (the day we went on holiday) I woke up with what i thought was a standard cold, by Tuesday i had lost my appetite and could barely drink anything through feeling so sick by wednesday i was a mess with anxiety symptoms and whatever was wrong with me!, i made my partner take me to A &E where they got me to do a urine sample where they found what they described as bits in my urine so gave me trimethroprim for a UTI, My symptoms where not improving and i got more anxious so i rang my doctor for reassurance Thursday and she said if symptoms dont improve she would see me when we got back from holiday yesterday afternoon, so Friday morning i was straight back on the phone. when i seen her yesterday she did another urine sample and and said i had blood and protein in my urine aswell as being dehydrated so was given some different antibiotics and some anti sickness tablets, i find it so hard to understand how this can make you feel so ill, the only problem now is im to scared to take the anti sickness tablets because one of the side effects is DVT so am stuck between a rock and a hard place though have managed to drink some water but the pains in my kidney area seem to be all over the place :weep: i hope your issues are sorted now?