View Full Version : Clammy Feeling and Not Knowing For Sure Breathing

19-01-07, 09:42
I have recently found that all the time I thought the clammy feeling I had was associated with anxiety ..Its not..Its something local only to this valley I live in..Scratch one anxiety ,another is hearing my pulse.I suppose there are many that suffer this affliction and its not in their mind.Its actually been treated as though it was anxiety ,its not,Its caused by loss of padding around the base of the skull from weight loss and also around the neck in ears.Doctors that are unfamiliar with what it was has often diagnosis ed it as anxiety although its a leading cause of anxiety because it scares you to death.They say its only dangers is with doctors that dont know the cause and treat it with anti anxiety medicines of ear tubes or nasal sprays ..so scratch another,but recently I have been suffering with pains around my neck and throat which I associate with perhaps sore throat but I do have a slight problem that has been bothering me somewhat late at night and early mornings.I feel as though im breathing but not breathing good.I don't feel like im out of breath but just not enough air.. to feel comfortable..its hard to explain.It seems to coincide with hearing a shuddering sound in my heart..maybe its just im imagination and maybe its not..Just wondered if anyone else ever felt like they were breathing but not enough.?

Also on the subject of missed beats..These are annoying I seem to get them upon exertion many times..I also get them when I have gas and sometimes there are a few and other times many.One night we had guess over ,one of them was a veteran nurse.I suppose it had been so long that we hadn't had anyone over i was nervous.My heart started skipping beats before they got here and were horrible many many many of them.I went to the bathroom and it seemed that my heart stopped and then beat single pumps four times and then went back into a semi normal rhythm.I asked her about them and she said it was impossible for me to be having as many as I said i was..She said its normal and everyone gets them.She also took my pulse and felt one missed beat and said it was because i looked at her..nerves.As the evening went on,I had probably several hundred..Worse night of my life..and as soon as they left I only had about one an hour..its weird how our mind generates enough interruption in the heart to cause it to miss beats..but its proven here when they left I became comfortable again and only had a few.Well the are back again.I am having a few everyday here and there.When I went to the doctor I told them i had missed beats and they didn't even seem to acknowledge them..It scares me always has as a child through adulthood how could it be such an innocent thing?

I also am curious about the the hearing of the shuddering of the heart and the feeling of breath but not breathing correctly .Could I be imagining this .. anxiety induced or could it be for real.I asked two nurses what they thought and they said classic anxiety so well i was wondering if anybody else felt this way..I also told them about the shuddering sound that I heard and they said its impossible to hear your heartbeat only vibrations in your arteries etc..Geez.. then i suppose im having auditory hallucinations and Im just crazy .. its all greek to me.. would love comments anyone?


May all beings everywhere plagued
with sufferings of body and mind
quickly be freed from their illnesses.
May those frightened cease to be afraid,
and may those bound be free.
May the powerless find power,
and may people think of befriending each other.
May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wilderness--
the children, the aged, the unprotected--
be guarded by beneficent celestials,
and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood.

19-01-07, 21:49

Hey, you sound a lot like me. Your symptoms sound like anxiety. I get the missed beats often. Sometimes every 3 or 4 beats. Sounds like when you had company you were anxious and your heart reacted to it. It is so frustrating, isn't it? About the breathing thing. That is probably also anxiety. I know just what you mean. A lot of times I lay on the couch to watch t.v. and I feel like I'm not breathing right. Almost like I've forgotten how. When you wake up in the morning, do you feel like you are breathing right then? Do you feel relaxed? I can't believe someone told you that you can't hear your pulse. That's ridiculous! There is a condition called pulsatile tinnitus. You can google it and find a lot of info. They may not be what you have. I have heard a huh-huh sound in my head for over 10 years. It is definitely my pulse. I've been to numerous doctors about it without any answers. At what times do you hear this sound? You may be able to figure it out by keeping track of when it happens. I'm not big on drugs but have you ever taken xanax? I don't take it very often but it can help.

Wishing you peace,


19-01-07, 22:13
After rereading your post I looked up "patulous eustachian tube". Is that the condition you were referring to? I was excited when you mentioned weight loss because when I first started hearing my pulse was 10 years ago right after I had lost weight. But, after reading about this condition, it doesn't sound like my symptoms. Needless to say, I'm disappointed. I'm happy for you since that's probably what causes yours. I guess I need to accept the fact that I will never get an answer to my "head noises."


21-01-07, 00:23

I don't know what your symptoms are but if it was after a weight loss you can bet it attributed to you hearing yours.I have many symptoms too but everyone says there is nothing wrong with you except depression.Im sorry I just can't seem to believe that.Its getting to the point I cannot distinquish real from not real and worry or not worry..What are your symptoms.?


May all beings everywhere plagued
with sufferings of body and mind
quickly be freed from their illnesses.
May those frightened cease to be afraid,
and may those bound be free.
May the powerless find power,
and may people think of befriending each other.
May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wilderness--
the children, the aged, the unprotected--
be guarded by beneficent celestials,
and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood.

21-01-07, 02:03

Here are my symptoms:

Stiffness in neck, shoulders and back, especially worse in a.m.
Hear and feel pulse in ear, when it gets strong, I can feel it in my whole head. Sometimes, When I feel a pvc coming on I will feel and hear several pulses in my head that last a few seconds and then fade out. I feel my heart miss beats a lot. Sometimes I hear the sound when moving my neck around, I get a lot of strange feelings in my head which are SO HARD to describe. The other night I was trying to drift off to sleep and I felt like something in my head wouldn't let me. It was like I could feel this sensation coming and I would tell myself, it's okay, just let it come. It's weird!! I took a sleeping pill last night because I just couldn't seem to relax. There was really no reason for me not to be relaxed, but I just couldn't relax. The other day in the car on the way to my favorite restaurant I began to feel strange in the head. I told my husband, I don't know what's wrong but I don't feel right. It was like if I could lay my head down, I would feel better. I really didn't even want to go into the restaurant. I decided to take a xanax. I did and we went in to eat. After about 15 minutes, the feeling totally went away and I felt so much better. I also have a problem with sitting anywhere for very long if I can't lean my head back on something. It's like I am always propping my head up, supporting it with my hand or I put my elbows on the table to support my head. I know I sound strange. I live with this all the time and it is tiring. Tell me your most common symptoms.


21-01-07, 02:17

Ok on the hearing the neck and the breathing and sounds inside your head..yes i get all of those almost everyday. As for the strange sensation in your head..I have that at the most unusal times..this may or may not be associated with anxiety.The times I felt it .I really don't think that i was nervous..it just happened.You feel almost like a numbness in your head and whoozy..I think that you are probably like me.You put off eating until the last minute and its a small lack of sugar in your blood.its not enough to show up on test but once you have eaten it seems to have disappeared.believe me I have had blood test and had the same thing that you are experiencing.I also tend to lay my head at odd angles and people say doesn't that hurt..Well you and I must have caused a pinch in an artery or something over the years and it causes the problems that we have...The sounds in the head such as neck ,well I don't even mention it anymore..it caused by the tubes in your ears not opening and closing as they should.I get all of what you described and guess just forgot to mention it here as the pulse thing is bad enough..Mine is also a problem with tmj.Where your jaws are not balance because of misalignment and causes the nerves and muscles to be pushed forward causing pain in the head and is also responsible for alot of what you could be hearing or was told to me by an ent vascular specialist..so you are pretty close to what im hearing and feeling.. i just get so tired of it sometimes I wonder if im just losing my mind ..everyone keeps telling me its all in my head or im just thinking about it too much .. so well what can you do.


May all beings everywhere plagued
with sufferings of body and mind
quickly be freed from their illnesses.
May those frightened cease to be afraid,
and may those bound be free.
May the powerless find power,
and may people think of befriending each other.
May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wilderness--
the children, the aged, the unprotected--
be guarded by beneficent celestials,
and may they swiftly attain Buddhahood.