View Full Version : Vitamin D

27-03-15, 13:11
Having had a couple of horrible weeks with Optical Migraines, and the return of Anxiety because of it (or at least so I thought) My GP ordered some blood test.

Turns out I'm Vit D deficient (levels at 19 instead of 70), hence the Migraines/Visual disturbances. Doctor also mentioned a link between this deficiency and Anxiety, together with a list of symptoms that can replicate Anxiety - dizzyness being just one example.

Feeling massively relieved at the explanation for the visual stuff, but I was also curious to the Anxiety link - A quick Google search revealed that its actually quite common, one particular case, a guy had suffered with deblitating Anxiety for 20 years before it became apparent that his Vit D levels were low. Treated with Vit D supplements, brought his anxiety to an end.

Only time will tell whether thats the case for me, but I would recommend keeping this in mind, I had no idea! My GP couldnt understand what I had never had any basic bloodwork with my old GP Surgery when I was first diagnosed.

27-03-15, 13:24
Most people have low vitamin D levels in this country though due to lack of natural sunlight to boost levels. Especially after the winter months.

27-03-15, 13:32
Most people have low vitamin D levels in this country though due to lack of natural sunlight to boost levels. Especially after the winter months.

True, as does diet. mine were exceptionally low, also causing fatigue and possibly psoriasi, what it will do for anxiety remains to be seen!

28-03-15, 08:08
Sounds like something tangible you can work on Mart which is better than working on anxiety, plus your GP will be more motivated to resolve it as its physical health which the NHS is geared up for, unlike mental health.

I think Marie (SADNoMore) has mentioned about vitamin D levels before as well but she lives in an area where there is very little sunlight through certain months.

28-03-15, 08:17
Yes at least your GP will be interested as vitamin D levels seem to be trending in the medical world at the moment! I always take a vitamin D3 tablet daily for most of the year but I can't really say that it has helped my anxiety levels though my bones are probably better for it!:D

I certainly hope that your GP continues to help you. As Terry says, the anxiety side of things just bores most GPs.

28-03-15, 08:42
Vitamin D3 seems to be the latest trend in vitamin D supplements. Whats the advantage pulisa over conventionally vitamin D?

Give me a physical problem any day of the week, the NHS fall over themselves to help you then...although having said that, my surgery is even messing that up nowadays as my parents are finding out...my dad didn't appreciate being given medication for his neck pain that turned out to be antidepressants when he go them out of the box and they went straight in the bin!No physio or anything, just the sweeties again!

28-03-15, 08:55
my dad didn't appreciate being given medication for his neck pain that turned out to be antidepressants when he go them out of the box and they went straight in the bin!No physio or anything, just the sweeties again!

Terry they are prescribing Amitriptyline for pain these days though the data sheet is still written up for depression.

They think that it interrupts the pain messages to the brain in some way.

Just a thought.

28-03-15, 10:05
Yeah I think Ami T are being used more as a muscle relaxant these days rather than an an Anti D.

To be fair, my anxiety spiked because of the optical migraines, rather than the Vit D I suspect. But I do wonder how many of my symptoms are amxety and how many Vit D given that they are very similar!

I think with Anx I learned to put everyhing down to it, and old habit I guess

28-03-15, 11:27
Yeah I think Ami T are being used more as a muscle relaxant these days rather than an an Anti D.

To be fair, my anxiety spiked because of the optical migraines, rather than the Vit D I suspect. But I do wonder how many of my symptoms are amxety and how many Vit D given that they are very similar!

I think with Anx I learned to put everyhing down to it, and old habit I guess

Thats something I see a lot on the HA board and I think it is the nature of the beast for them as it must be hard to spend time ruling out different factors but its a proven fact that there are other reasons, and many are proven by the medical community themselves as you can read them on their websites. Its always worth a go because all the CBT in the world isn't going to fix a physical problem, only ease it by not allowing you to focus on it too much which is why they use it in cancer treatment, IBS, etc.

I have seen another member on the HA board who has been found vitamin D deficient. Maybe even if its not the cause, its a contributing factor so by correcting it you become stronger in dealing with your anxiety disorders.

I guess with you having anxiety previously Mart, by having a deficiency it sets the environment for the anxiety to develop. This would make sense because we all started this somewhere I know mine came out of failing physical health and overdoing it on the stress and not looking after my general wellbeing factors. I have read that even if you have a gene for anxiety, it requires activation via the methylation process and this is all about not eating right, lack of certain key nutrients, poor gut health, lack of exercise, all the usual stuff really.

---------- Post added at 11:27 ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 ----------

Terry they are prescribing Amitriptyline for pain these days though the data sheet is still written up for depression.

They think that it interrupts the pain messages to the brain in some way.

Just a thought.

Thanks Elen, that might have been what he was prescribed. My dad had depression in his thirties and recovered after 2 years on the medication they had 40 years ago so he was immediately concerned when he read the PIL. He has seen me twice go through horrible start up side effects and whilst his dose was low, he (and my mum) were firmly against the risk when there are easily physio options for his neck pain. It was only his first visit about it, its not like its an ongoing issue that a GP has been trying to help with...he just reached for the antidepressants!

Its the beauty of 'off label' then is it?

The SNRI I am on can be used for a couple of other conditions, one pain based, and I've seen a thread on here recently by a new member who had no history of anxiety or depression but suffered the ludicrously increased anxiety that I did in the start up phase. I wonder how many people end up with anxiety disorders from things like that?

Pregabalin is another one that is used for other conditions but that one seems less of an issue other than GP's trying to stop you taking it as its expensive.

28-03-15, 13:22
I think almost certainly for me the trigger was Vit D or rather the occular migraines that it caused, they scared the hell out of me! and much like any other form of anxiety I began to obsess about them, I was desperate for answers and only getting possibilities. Anxiety sensations kicked in about 4 weeks after which was pretty impressive all things considered. The firm cause of the migraines came a week later ironically!

28-03-15, 18:06
Hi, Terry. Yes, I have found a lot of credible information about the link between Vitamin D deficiency and anxiety/depression! I have a friend whose doctor prescribed a prescription-strength supplement, and is feeling much better now! :)

My doc won't even test for it anymore, saying that we "all" have Vitamin D deficiency here, unfortunately. I believe it. Many of us have SAD as well. Northern Alberta Canada. In mid-winter, we get only about 4 to 5 hours of actual daylight, nevermind sunshine! :'( He did tell me that I could take up to 10,000 units per day, so I just take the drops.